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I am just turned 60 and I have recently been diagnosed with Stage 5, 4+5 prostate cancer. 

My father was diagnosed last October and failed to tell me or my older brother. We both went for PSA tests, his came back with a score of 1 and mine was 37.

I was then booked in for a MRI, that came back with, there is something there to investigate so a biopsy was called for. 

My father unfortunately lost his battle with multiple ailments in the early hours of 26th April, 3 days later I was in to get my biopsy results and that's when I was told I had prostate cancer stage 5, 4+5 Gleason.

As the MRI indicated the cancer was just in my prostate the urologist wanted me to have a CT and Bone scan to see if the cancer had spread. I got a phone call 1st thing Monday morning to inform me the cancer is localised just in my prostate,  so some good news at last. 

The MDT are meeting tomorrow to get a treatment plan together for me and fingers crossed that will start next week. 

One thing the urologist did say was surgery would be only done if the other treatments didn't work as I had an aortic valve replacement in 2016 and I have to take blood thinners.

Just wondering if anyone has been in a similar position with my numbers and scan results and how has their journey been?

Thanks for reading. 

  • Hi, I hate it when things get delayed but hopefully all goes well next week, thinking of you Regards John

  • Hi Wonky I bet your wife was fuming, though not a nice thing to happen, sadly these things do. Highly unlikely for a week to make any difference though. at least  they found out the tracer was faulty before they injected it or you would be waiting 6 weeks,  I love their explanation, more likely as the radioactive element has a very short half life it arrived late and had decayed too much, has happened to me, best wishes for next week and let us know how you get on.


  • Not quite married yet, thats in 2 weeks Joy, but yes she was. I had read the leaflets that came with the appointment so knew it may happen. One saving grace was I found out before the hour drive to the hospital. 

  • Congratulations, that's great news, I'm really pleased for you both, getting married myself this year, should be in October, leaving all the details to Sheila, my partner, as she knows best, at least that's what she tells me. good luck next week, and have a wonderful time a week later, congratulations once again,


  • Your important part in the wedding is to turn up sober & on time & remember your lines.  Just think Abba...  I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do

  • I can promise I will be sober being almost teetotal, I do have a very occasional bottle of cider, but I can get tipsy on a pint, Maybe I should abstain completely, thanks for the advice don't want to get the words mixed up and say Do I.

  • Just wondering if anyone has been in a similar position with my numbers and scan results and how has their journey been?

    I was 71 when diagnosed in 2018 with T3A N0 M0 , Gleason 4+5 and a PSA of 15. I had three years of HT starting in October 2018 with 20 sessions of RT in February and March 2019. It's nearly three years since my last Prostap injection and my PSA has been stable at 0.2 for the last two years.

    I will be 77 in a couple of months and still walk at least 30 miles every week, swim a mile twice a week and go coastal rowing as often as the wind and tides allow.

    I hope that helps.

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
    (See my profile for more)
  • I intend to stay sober on the day before we get wed, can't say it's not going to get messy afterwards Rofl

  • Good to hear there is some longevity during and after treatment. I hope to emulate your lifestyle and to enjoy life to the utmost!  

  • I'm sure you will both have a fabulous day with lots of brilliant memories being made & hopefully no hangovers Champagne