My husband's prostate journey

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Hi everyone I'm new to this page so please excuse me if I ramble on, my hubby was diagnosed DLBCL 2 yrs ago, he went into full remission last summer we were absolutely and looking forward to getting back to normal we had just gotten over that when he was diagnosed with prostate cancer, so at end of January this year he had his op, he recovered well, no problems etc.  He was back for his check up today, his PSA is through the roof so it seems he has cancer somewhere in his body, we are both devastated, so it's back to waiting on scans etc.  My head is fit to burst, I'm trying to be very brave for him, but I just want to howl at the moon, he is very matter of fact about everything, so fingers crossed for him for his upcoming battle, thank you for listening to me


  • You'r welcome Millie. I did exactly the same, getting into research mode as I was a research and development scientist. What I found was that there was a lot of out of date, or I'll informed information out there. Take a step back at the moment - I know it's not easy. All the best for the blood tests and MRI today. If there is anything you need to know or are concerned about, just ask.

  • Hi Lodge and welcome, though sorry to hear of your husbands diagnosis, can i ask does your husband have any discomfort in his back or neck,


  • Hi  .

    A warm welcome and sorry that your husband is having problems. The hormone therapy can cause balance issues, although this normally develops the longer you are on them. Is this what your husband is experiencing, almost like a staggering? Can you give us a little more information like age, general fitness as this can exacerbate the problem. It is a general rule that if your husband is experiencing anything outside of the normal then it should be reported to the doctor. The hormone therapy will possibly cause other problems, particularly fatigue so keeping as fit as possible is important.

    The incontinence is possibly as a result of the cancer and should resolve itself as the mass shrinks. Wearing a Tena pad might give him confidence in the meantime. It is important that your husband maintains a good urine flow, but if he starts having any difficulties then he must report it immediately.

    Most side effects have a remedy but if you need any tips on how to combat them, or what to look out for then just come back and ask.

  • Hi Hibbie.

    Many thanks for your reply yes I have got my fingers and toes crossed for today but what will be will be!!!!!!

    Please please let me know if you need any help with PALS or anything to do with your husband's treatment???

    I spent over 10yrs in the NHS at one of my former rehab units in medical records following my Stroke.

    Before my Cancer Diagnosis I was a Volunteer Manager working with a number of Volunteers who were giving help and support to a large number of patients.

    I was also involved with numerous patient experience groups within the NHS Trust at the rehab unit.

    Please please let me know how you feel???

    Prostate Worrier.

  • Good morning from Edinburgh, thank you for getting back to me, I'm really trying to be positive for George, but sometimes I just want to have a good cry.  I think the waiting is the worst part, just want everything done yesterday, don't think I will really settle dow until we know what is going on, but will try and stay upbeat, please let me know how you get on today, good luck


  • Hi Eddie thank you for answering no his been fir well till the last week 

  • Hi thank you for answering his 72 but fit well rides a bike does a lot waking your right it’s like his staggering his done it about 3 times this week his prostate cancer they said is contained and early he seemed fine on the tablets it’s since his first injection 

  • This is a possibility because the injection works on a part of the brain to control the testosterone, whereas the tablets work directly on blocking the action of testosterone binding to the cancer cells. I would still report it as there are different types of injection/ implant and maybe a different one might suit him better.

  • Hi Dafna just to let you know George got a call from the hospital this morning, he is having scan on Thurs, so things are moving TG

  • George getting on Thurs so things are moving, TG