P.C. treatment

  • 23 replies
  • 173 subscribers

Hello all.  Have been recently diagnosed with prostate cancer. At the moment have only spoken over phone,(not ideal). It appears my gleeson score? is7and my PSA 17. Two treatments have been mentioned, surgery and radiotherapy . Feeling a bit lonely, other peoples thoughts would be appreciated.

  • Hi pate, welcome to the forum you will find lots of answers and suggestions from a whole host of supportive people who have been right where you are now. I had the same choice as you had and like you had Gleason of 7 psa 11.4 and the telephone appointment was not a great introduction to prostate cancer  ! I chose surgery as it seemed the most likely way to get all the cancer in one as it was still contained within the prostate. Radiotherapy and hormone therapy seemed to be a drawn out choice that might get it all  ! Also I was told by surgeon that I could have radiotherapy after surgery,  if required,  but not surgery after radiotherapy.  Not sure how accurate that information is but can advise you to read plenty both on here and Prostate UK , there's a wealth of good information there.

    Good luck on the road ahead 


    • Hi Graeme. Thank you for your response, I must admit your thoughts mirrored mine almost exactly. Just want to get it over and done with. Just another little thing, my daughter in law, mentioned it to her employer and was treated with utter disdain.
  • Ok Pate, I am 10 weeks after surgery and slowly regaining control of bladder which is a relief so to speak  ! My concerns are with the erectile dysfunction ED ! The surgery went fairly well and they managed to save some of the nerves that at least still give me sensation and said ED would improve with time . There are pills and pumps too which I haven't tried yet. 

    You said your daughter in law's employer was against the decision  but it really is a personal preference whatever anyone else thinks. As I said make sure you read all you can on here and remember that as long as its contained in prostate it is slow growing so you have time to consider all choices including active surveillance AS. You haven't said how old you are ? All my information is on profile which is good to log your progress for others to read.

    Best wishes 


  • Hi Pate53

    Many on here have gone down the route of surgery and radiotherapy which has been very successful, my sisters male friend had it done and came out in good health, as many on here will verify. 
    We’re not trying to influence you just advice.

  • Hi Pate53

    I had the da Vinci. Never really regretted it. Very very occasional incontinence. Love life not what it was but at my age it wouldn't be and we get by.

    Do lots of research. Ask lots of questions and talk it over with your nearest and dearest.

    Good luck.

  • Hi. Thanks to all of you for your helpful advice. Seeing surgeon tomorrow so hopefully i will have a clearer picture. Must admit am dreading incontinence ,not overly worried about ED at 67 i think i can cope as long as otherwise reasonably healthy. My best wishes to all of you ,and thanks again.

  • Hi P53 

    If you're not too concerned about ED then surgery is a good option as it will be over within a few weeks.  RT combined with HT can take a bit of time to complete.

    Urinary issues with surgery usually clear up over time, obviously not always but if u have a good surgeon that's obviously going to help.

    Best wishes


  • Hi all. Saw surgeon today ,told him i thought i would opt for surgery and he implied that this was probably the best treatment, so that took a bit of weight off. Told me it will in all probability be done within the next four weeks, so heres hoping. Explained to me about waterworks and said it should improve with time,as for the other if i get an improvment with time  that will be a bonus!   All the best P53.

  • Hi Pate. Glad you have made a decision. That's the hardest part over. Four weeks to wait doesn't sound too bad.

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
    (See my profile for more)
  • Hi all .Had appointment for pre op today . Very impressed!!