Travel Insurance

  • 4 replies
  • 115 subscribers


Has anyone here any experience with holiday/travel insurance? I'm planning on taking a 7 day break and wanted to budget for this, I would be most grateful for your feed back.

  • Hi Nige65,

    There is actually a thread regarding travel insurance which you may find useful - I can never remember how to add a link but here's the actual web address

    I actually used a company called Insurancewith who gave me a very good quote for annual travel insurance - you can either apply on line via a very comprehensive set of fact finding questions or you can give them a call to discuss in more detail.

    Best Wishes


  • Hello  

    Here's the link Brian was trying to find:

    Travel insurance forum for cancer patients 

    I also use the same company as Brian. One tip is don't fill out the online form - ring them for a quote-that way you know you have answered all the questions.

    Enjoy the holiday,

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • Hi ,

    we just got a quote from Insurancewith and they were the most reasonable and gave the same cover . 
    Liz & OH 

  • Hi, Ive had a quote to for £312.45 for a single trip to Cyprus by which not only included=s my Cancer diagnosis but also my Service related PTSD.

    Thank you for your recommendation.