Feeling low

  • 8 replies
  • 113 subscribers

Hi All, my husband is due to start chemo as part of triplet therapy tomorrow. He got diagnosed with T4N1M1b prostate cancer (Gleason 5+4) at the end of January, after suffering from kidney issues. It’s been a whirlwind couple of months. Most days we try to stay positive and we’ve been really focused on changing our diet, looking at supplements and other things we can do to fight this. We also have two little ones (2 and 7) who keep us busy and happily distracted, but it’s really hitting hard tonight that we’re in this situation. My husband is only 44 and this is not the future we had hoped for…. I also really worry about the children and them losing their dad early. We just booked a trip to Lapland today for mid-December - we’ve always talked about taking the children for this trip of a lifetime to see Santa and we really need something exciting to look forward to. Although I’m now panicking I’ve tempted fate that we’ll be able to do in December and wondering if this was a stupid idea…

I’m not sure what the point of this post really is, other than to share how I’m feeling. Every time I’ve reached out on this forum, I’m felt so much better - it’s comforting to know I’m not the only one going through this at least. Sending love and strength to all xxx

  • Good evening Anna. I am not surprised you are feeling low at the moment but just remember that the chemotherapy is going to be killing the cancer.

    As for the trip to Lapland what a brilliant thing to look forward to. Your husband should be getting over the chemotherapy by then but he will still be immunocompromised so a little extra caution with things like a mask on the plane might be a good idea.

    Let us know how he gets on and if you want help with anything in particular. All the best for tomorrow.

  • Hi  I can only add to the comment by  - that is to say that there was no question that the trip won’t happen “should be getting over the chemo by then” - don’t forget that there are some incredible advances in treatment for prostate cancer now and I’m sure that there will be plenty more great experiences for your family to enjoy in the future.  Try to set your worries aside and live in the moment.  Let the medical scientists continue their research and your husband’s medical team administer the fruits of that research.  AW

  • Hi  so sorry your OH is starting on this journey.  At 44 he should cope well with chemo and I wish him well.  As for the holiday, great idea and something to focus on.  I had chemo 7 years ago, before triplet therapy was around and am still going.  The cancer journey isn’t easy and you will have highs and lows but his age is a great advantage.  Stay positive and please ask if you have any questions, the team on here will give you amazing advice and support.  David

  • Hello, just wanted to quickly message to say hi and offer support and thoughts. 

    I was in a similar situation to your husband about 20 months ago - metastatic prostate cancer diagnosed at age 45, started on triplet therapy. The 6 sessions of chemo were surprisingly ok, and I also had a round of radiotherapy a few months after finishing that. I also had a big family trip planned and booked (to Australia) that Easter, so just after the radiotherapy and a few months after my last chemo session. And... it was fine! The run up was stressful due to treatments and waiting for scan results - this is a factor when trying to get travel insurance (I used Insurance With who were very reasonable).

    I guess my point is that you should definitely have things to look forward to. Your oncologist can help shift things so that you don't have scans or treatment just before you leave which will give you time to sort Insurance. They will do their best to help you all live your life as you want to. 

    All the best with treatment. Please reach out and get in touch if you want to ask me anything x 

  • Thanks so much  that’s reassuring to hear. I’m sorry to hear you were diagnosed so young too but really pleased your PSA has dropped below 1 and is under control Muscle Do you mind if I ask about insurance? I called InsureWith but they said they couldn’t insure until he had started chemo. I also wondered whether it’s worth just getting through chemo and trying to get insurance then? We have private medical through an international company, so we would be covered for emergency medical treatment if my husband needed it abroad. But I am really concerned about cancellation as the balance of the trip needs to be paid 4 months before. Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks!

  •   by the time you need to pay the balance, your outlook will have changed, chemo will be a distant memory and things will look more positive.  Start looking forward to the holiday!  David

  • I hope so David!!