PSA up again

  • 5 replies
  • 112 subscribers

Hi all

My PSA is up again to 6.2. Possible reason for this is the heart attack I had in Feb.  As PSA bloods were taken two weeks after H A.

As the level is no to high we are having another PSA test in 3 months and go from there.

Re the heart attack I am getting in well. Doing a little walking and gardening with lots of rest in between. Awaiting rehab to start on the 18th.


  • Hollo Les ( 

    I hope the increased PSA is a temporary blip and I wish you well with your continued recovery from the heart attack.

    It's starting to look a little like spring here in Lancashire so with the warmer days I do hope you can get out and about more.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • Hi Brian.

    Thanks Brian

    The weather here in South Lincolnshire Has been nice for a week or so but turning cool today... I have been told to slow down a bit as i was doing way too much last week. So it is feet up for a day or two this week.


  • Hi Les, sorry to hear about the heart attack.

    Looking at your profile PSA started a bit elevated then went down and then back to 6 again,

    The main thing to keep your eye on , apart from PSA, is tumour size to see if it is increasing in line with PSA.

    So at some stage, no hurry, ask them for tumour size in mm and just keep monitoring.

    You've done well though considering the amount of time on AS.

    Fingers crossed will continue like that

    Best wishes


  • Hi Les ( ), very sorry to hear that you have had a heart attack, but you sound to be doing well.  The PSA rise is fairly slow and might be related to the heart attack or increased stress.  Let’s hope that is just a blip and the next check is down.  Don’t overdo things.  Best wishes, David

  • Steve.

    Nurse said on the last MRI that there was no change.

    But she is thinking if it goes up again she will be talking to the consultant. Re a biopsy.