Oncology appointment

  • 12 replies
  • 115 subscribers

So, we have had a face to face appointment with the consultant oncologist.

we were really worried last November when, at a telephone consultation, the doctor said she was really concerned that my husband’s PSA had gone from 0.04 to 0.21 in the 6 months since finishing hormone therapy. We had understood that a bounce after finishing ht would happen and that anything up to a PSA of 2..0 was ok on the radiotherapy and HT pathway!

So, the consultant said he was happy with the current reading 0.27. My husband is doing well. If there are any residual cancer cells they will take a long time to be a cause for concern. We will have  another consultation in 6 months and if all is still going well, my husband will be passed on to the remote monitoring team. He said that, indeed, the cause for concern on the rt/ht route is ‘2.0 but sometimes higher than that’. He didn’t expand on that comment and I realise now that I should have queried this a bit more so I could pass on the info here to add some reassurance to others worrying about PSA bounce.

re osteoporosis. There is a drug that can be given to help improve the bone strength but it has some side effects. A rare side effect is that it can destroy the jaw bone so that teeth fall out. A more common side effect is gastritis and oesophagitis. Therefore he recommended a dental check up if my husband wants to take it. Again, I missed a trick as where we live there is no access to a NHS dentist! ( we pay a fortune for private dental care!)As my husband is just below the acceptable bone density and unlikely to be at more risk of fracture , neither he nor the consultant thought this drug was essential. Husband will continue with vit D and calcium supplements but give the troublesome drug a miss. He will have another bone scan in 3 years.

onwards and upwards! ( hopefully!)

  • Hello  

    A big WOOHOO there - everything sounds good and I wish you both well moving on - I have a feeling remote monitoring is on the cards and you will both be able to sleep well with his prostate cancer journey firmly behind you.

    Kind regards - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Isn't it great when you have a plan and I am so pleased for you both.

    My husband has just had his latest injection for the bones this morning and has had no problems over the last 4+ years. We were warned to have dental checks but all has been good. 

    With the PSA level then I think 2 is the point at which they might investigate but if the rate of increase is slow and the age of the patient can affect whether action is taken.

    Take care both of you.

  • Hi   (or should that be notsoworriedwife).  Sounds like great news and a good plan.  Enjoy life again!  David

  • Amazing news  . Time for a celebration for sure .  

    Huge hugs to you both 

    Liz & OH xxx

  • Hello Brian, I am hoping that some of the content might be of particular interest to yourself? I wish I had explored the comment further….

  • Yes, I think it’s a matter of risks versus benefits. This must have been about the 10th medical appointment we have had for my husband in the last 3-4 weeks. It’s so very very tiring and each time they seem to want to add yet another drug and/ or another clinic or another diagnostic. He reacts adversely to most of the drugs! It’s been overtaking our lives! At the last two appointments he has actively ( but in more words) questioned quality v quantity. You could say it’s selfish of me to support the quality more than the quantity because every life matters and is precious ( his, for me, more than anyone or anything)  but if that life involves too much medical intervention to the extent of there being no quality - what is right or wrong? There has to be a balance. I am, though, always very careful to point out that it is decision to make about any new proposal from the medics. Thanks , too, for the detail about the bones. This is useful to tuck away in case of further deterioration.

  • Hello  

    Yes indeed it is - I didn't want to put anything on about me, it's your good news day.

    I am indeed indebted to you for thinking of me, and yes I share the T3aN0M0 with your husband, sadly that's all we share - my Gleason 9 (5+4) and initial PSA of 182 says more. I was to be HT for life, it's my oncologist with the get out of jail card, and the 3 years HT/RT. I am still not worried, as I said earlier, my journey continues, I do hope your husband has "got off the bus".

    Kind Regards - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Yup! Just looking for a holiday now while the going is good!

  • Hi Brian and I sincerely hope you manage to stay off the bus with us! I think getting back on the bus is out there waiting for us - some sooner , some later and some perhaps never - but we know it’s there and never goes too far away!

  • Thanks, Liz. And hugs to you., tooBlush