Travel Insurance

  • 5 replies
  • 114 subscribers

My husband has stage 4 Prostate cancer and I recently checked how much a 5 day trip to Belgium would cost.  This came in at £2817 for both of us.  I decided to update it to check the cost for a UK trip, same amount of days and this came in at £2400…I just don’t understand why the UK trip is so much when we have access to NHS services.  Anyone else had this experience?

  • Hi  , in my opinion, the insurance company don’t want to cover you so are giving you a highly rated premium.  Ideally, the insurance company want clients who don’t claim.  Does Stage 4 have a greater chance of claiming than someone who is fit and well? Well, sadly yes.  Your chance of cancellation is much greater and is similar for both uk and foreign.  The increase risk of a Stage 4 person needing treatment during the 5 days cover is quite small, so hence the fairly small differential between the two premiums.  
    Having said all that, the premium you have been offered sounds a rip off and I know others will be along with advice about some companies who offer better rates.  David

  • Good Morning  

    Travel Insurance is a mystery and to some companies it's a "cash cow"!! So let me see if I can get you to Belgium.

    First of all we have a dedicated Travel Insurance Advice forum where you can seek help and here's a link for you:

     Travel insurance forum for cancer patients 

    I have a property in Turkey and it's in Asia so I need worldwide travel insurance. I am a T3a and my wife has issues (medical ones!! Rofl) We found the best way to get a quote was to telephone the Company as most use the same algorithms to give an online quote. We went through all our conditions and medications and if I had received radiotherapy - the out come £780 which I think is great - the company - Insurancewith.

    I do hope this helps.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • Thank you both.  I think I will sit on the telephone and see what I can find.

  • I am stage 4 and went to memphis and guatemala for 18 days Nov 2024 and paid 618 squid Octopus with INSURANCE WITH for us both 

  • Try albert&eddie - a strange name I know, they are part of the same holding company, Travel Insurance Facilities PLC, which owns other brands including Iinsurancewith. Their website has full details.

    They're online only as far as I know. I had quotes for annual worldwide starting at £475 for my wife and I. I completed chemo for recurrent PC last September as part of Triplet Therapy and remain on HT / Darolutamide indefinitely.

    The price was for their base product and a couple of alternatives were available for higher limits if you require them. Their policy wording is the same as insurancewith.

    It's been well worth it so far - had 3.5 weeks in Europe January and just started a 4 week road trip in Arizona and SW California.

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