Different problem this week

  • 3 replies
  • 111 subscribers

Hi all 

Thank you for your comment on my last question.

I had  wissee down the road  at 80 to 90 mph on Monday morning with blue lights as well??.. Yes I was in a Ambulance with some naughty squeezing chest pains. Really they did hurt.. Got to hospital and this nice nurse was waiting for me at the door with a hand full of pills and told me to take them . mmmmmm I dont do drugs not orange ones....... after putting me on another table this other nurse was  pulling my shirt and vest off then stuck a needle in me arm. then another girl / young lady said she was going to pull me Jeans and pants off.    I  was thinking i i what's going here  (( could not raise a smile I was in a lot of pain)) then another voice said we are going to give  you a shave. I can tell you being  naked in a cool room on a Monday morning was not nice. I was cold out side....... Well they did cover me when they made there minds up they were going to make a big hole in by my wrist. and not next to me bits... Yes I had a heart attack and they inserted a stent..  In hospital for two and a bit days and came home on Wednesday evening. Feeling well and recovering  with just one problem I had to miss me PSA bloods but got that  sorted now. That's my tale for now.   We have the Best health service in the world..............yes the NHS..  with me ringing the 3 9s and 35 to 40 mins drive  to Lincoln Cath Lab I was in the ward recovering in just under 2 hours. Nothing but the best


  • Hi Les s,

    Sounds like the NHS did you proud & performed as we all hope they will when we need them.

    Glad to hear you are on that road to recovery & still have your sense of humour. 

    Best Wishes


  • Brian

    We have to have a laugh. Once I was in the Cath Lab there was no messing it was go go until that the blockage was found stent was in. you did not have a say.. the only time I said any thing was that hurt and oh oh oh that hurt again. That pain was in my arm when bits were put through my arm... NHS at it best.

  • Good Evening Les ( 

    Wow, that's not what you want on a Monday morning (well not any morning)  I am so glad that things have worked out well in the end. I think you have missed you vocation - you should start writing short stories.

    That's at least two of us owe our lives to the NHS and I bet there are a few more on our part of the Community who would agree. People knock the NHS but at time of need they are there for us.

    I wish you well with your recovery - take it easy and when you do have your PSA test let's hope for low figures.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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