Developing gynacomastia due to ADT.

  • 4 replies
  • 114 subscribers

Hello all

So I am on ADT since october 2024. The psa is practically zero and the testo is also down.

But i am now seeing that i have started developing man boobs.

My onco told me that it is a side effect of testo supression. What i did not do, and on hindsight what i shud have done is hit the gymn and do weight trg and muscle training.

As of now i can feel my body flesh as very loose. Its losing its firmness, and tone.

Has anybody been able to reverse gynacomastia after doing gymn and weight training.

I know its late but better late than never so i am joinibh the gymn next week.

  • Hi  

    My OH walks 10 miles most days but could not sort out the upper body muscle loss & tone  . Our GP referred him for a  free 12 week program and he started it on Friday ( he had to delay due to a calf muscle injury ) 

    the trainer told him she expects to see a difference when she sees him in 6 weeks and suggested he continues to walk in the morning and attend the gym for an hour 3 days a week but more if he enjoys it . 

    good luck with your gym experience too . 

    Best wishes 

    Liz & OH xx

  • I have been on HT for 26 months, with another 10 to go. I have kept my excersize going with walking, streaches, cycling and some resistance band excersizes as well as weights (only small 1kg).

    However I have noticed over the last months I have saggy skin around my biceps and thigh muscles.

    I can't decide if it's down to HT treatment or age ( I'm 65)

  • Hi Warrior68 

    I started hormone therapy November 23 and have the same issue with developing gynaecomastia and have just been to the breast cancer clinic as I have two small lumps but was told that it was just the gynaecomastia, nothing to worry about as such. 
    I too have lost muscle mass but have more trouble with arthritis, grade 4 in both knees, on waiting list for knee replacement surgery. 
    I know it’s not easy to but at least I am still able to annoy people haha. 

    keep persevering with it and do what you have to do for yourself. It’s a long journey but it’s worth it in the end. 

  • Hi  ,

    I've been in HT/ADT since October 2023, I started going to the gym twice a week about 2 months after starting HT, as I couldn't keep doing my long cardio workouts (which I used to do before) due to fatigue, and was loosing muscle mass quickly.

    With dedicated gym work I was able to regain the muscle and tone I've lost and reduce though not eliminate the fatigue. I do have some gynaecomastia, but it's quite mild and I think it would have been much worse without the gym work. 

    If you haven't been a regular gym user, and have the option, I would recommend starting off with a personal trainer to build you a programme and make sure your movement pattern are correct, so you don't injure yourself.

    Hope this helps 
