Small wins!

  • 7 replies
  • 115 subscribers

Bit of a daft post really but it made me happy this morning. My OH brought me my cup of coffee first thing  and greeted me with the words 'I only wee-ed 3 times last night' Slight smile

After it being FAR more frequent than that and the fear of 'accidents' if he didn't heed the 'go now!' warning every time he stirred, this was very good news as John had been getting tireder and tireder. Time will tell if it's down to plain exhaustion helping him stay asleep or just a fluke but we will take the win today! 

  • Hi

    Take any wins you can is my view! Good news!



    Trying to get fit again!
  • Good Morning Alison ()

    Many small wins turn out to be a victory in the end. Take it from me, a man who had an indwelling catheter for 10  months, when that came out I had to learn to wee again. At first I was ever half hour, now I can do 3/4 hours but at night I do like a couple of "walks".

    As John's (and yours) journey progresses you will learn to share the joy of every little win. In my 3 year journey I have had many little wins and some very big ones - but as a family we have taken everything in our stride, and it's made me and Mrs Millibob much closer (we were close enough BC (before cancer!).

    You are quite right to celebrate - long may it continue.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hi

    Should have said before - there is no such thing as a daft post!



    Trying to get fit again!
  • Nothing daft about this post Ally 52,

    A better nights sleep makes all the difference (to both of you).

    Long may it continue.

    Best Wishes


  • Day 2 and another 'only 3 wee' nights PLUS not feeling quite so nauseous and ate a (albeit smallish) Christmas dinner. Three cheers........

  • Think we are all learning to celebrate those little advances, Take them all its part of doing well!

  • Ally and John, as everyone is saying "celebrate every small win".  That's some of the best advice I ever had!

    I'm down to one a night now (shh... don't want to tempt fate).

    It's just over 3 years since my Radiotherapy ended, side effects have been a nightmare!

    Finally on 1 November this year I was prescribed Tamsulosin.  What a game changer!

    I can hold it in now unlike before when it was "when you've got to go, you've got to go"

    One my biggest small wins was being able to stand and pee, something you just take for granted.

    Take Care, hope you both have a good New Year.

    Steve (SteveCam)