After RT finishes?

  • 9 replies
  • 119 subscribers

My treatment finishes on Boxing Day!

I asked my consultant what happens on the 27th re my restrictive diet & could I go back to normal. His advise was to slowly get back to normal over 2 weeks & that I could have a glass or 2 of Red Wine. 

My question is :- What advice did you get & what did you actually do?? I have desire to return to normal activities asap which would include eating out & seeing my mates for a drink.

Thoughts please? 

  • Hi DivonneS welcome to the forum. Im not too familiar with your type of Cancer but that sounds like sensible advice from the Consultant. I'd think everything would be ok in the short term and in moderation.. I'm certain my fellow Champ Millibob will be along soon to offer up further advice re this. Best Wishes for now. 


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  • I was drinking fifty units a week all the way through chemotherapy and radiotherapy; my liver readings were perfect.

  • Hello  

    I returned to my normal diet/drinking as soon as RT was completed. I had no official advice although my RT was in January and early February I did follow the advice, nothing to give you wind and no alcohol.

    After my last fraction, I rang the bell. walked half a mile to my local (I live near the hospital and it was 6.30pm on a Thursday) and met two mates. They bought me a pint of J W Lees finest best bitter (yes the do make decent beer!!). I looked at it for about 10 minutes. It settled, clear, at the perfect temperature and looked amazing!! Yes I drank it in one - and then had a few more!! Innocent. By the way this is personal advice and not Macmillan advice.

    For me - back to normal - take it easy - you deserve it!!

    Best wishes - Brian.

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    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • I went back to normal eating and drinking almost immediately. 

  • Hi

    I would be very careful about going back to a usual diet too quickly. Gradually add things to your diet over a few weeks.



    Trying to get fit again!
  •   , I think a large part of going back to a normal diet is about how you are feeling.  If you have had any stomach problems then I would be cautious about introducing too much rich food, but other than being fairly sensible, probably back to a reasonable normal diet fairly soon after.  David

  • The radiotherapy side effects are delayed by 2-3 weeks, so your peak side effects will be a couple of weeks after the radiotherapy. If you had to go on a low fibre diet, I would suggest sticking with that for a month, and then slowly start rolling it back (definitely sooner if you start to get constipated on it - that means you don't need the low fibre diet).

    Many places don't make any comments about drinking alcohol during treatment. It can be a bladder irritant for some people, and if you find it irritates your bladder, then avoiding it might be easier. Fizz is another potential bladder irritant (and also wind during RT), but these are about finding what impacts you.

  • Hi DivonneS,

    I wasn't given any advice about diet on finishing RT, so pretty much returned to a normal diet straight away (but it was in October so not so many temptations around).  The one thing I did maintain (& still try to do) is drinking 2 litres of water a day as a norm.  I didn't have any issues, but then again I suppose it's what your normal diet is.  

    My best advice is to see how it goes without going OTT & if you start getting any issues  be more sensible.  The temptation at Christmas / New Year is to eat lots of naughty fatty, spicy not to mention creamy foods & drink too much alcohol & we all know the effect those can have on the body even when you are 100% fit & healthy.

    On a light hearted & non serious note, I take it he didn't specify what size glasses he was talking about & we all know that you can get some that hold a full 70cl bottle Scream

    Best Wishes


  • Many thx for all the responses. Interesting reading.

    I think we have spectrum of views (all valid). From:- a) Follow the consultants Guidance b) Move towards normal but watch how my body responds to c) Go for it!!  While I would love to go c), my wife doesn't, so for me the answer is in the middle. Must admit a glass (size negotiable) of good red wine is first on my 'must do' list.  Thx again all & I wish all a diet-free Xmas.... Take Care