Men in their 40’s

  • 8 replies
  • 114 subscribers

Hi my names Derek I’m 48 recently diagnosed with prostate cancer Gleason 6 grade 1. Can I ask if any other men in their 40’s with the same results are on the forum. Thanks Del

  • Hi  , I imagine that there are quite a few who are watching but don’t join in, Brian ( ) may have an answer on that.  Welcome to the group and I hope we are able to answer any questions you have.  Best wishes, David

  • Good Morning  

    The Community had over 7 million page views last year. That's an astounding number of people who "ghost" through the Community, don't join, just suck off the information and get on with their own journey. So every post we make not only helps the original poster we reply to but anyone reading the page. (This thread has been here for just 3 hours and has had 35 views!!)

    I can't help with information on Community members as it's an anonymous peer to peer support Community.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hi Derek I was diagnosed 2020 when I was 44 same stats gleaon 6 tc1 psa 3.5 low grade.. I have been on active surveillance since then next psa test 2nd Oct. Over the past few years have done my research pros and cons of treatment my personal choice is to stay on active surveillance as long as possible..get a bit anxious and sometimes struggle with the mental side of it but to me it out ways some of the side affects of treatment at my age? Any questions you would like to ask me please feel free to ask and I can help to the best of my knowledge through this journey?.

  • Thanks  it is always reassuring to find someone in the same position as yourself, so thanks for helping.  Good luck with your own results in October, it’s always a worry when the date gets near. David

  • Hi Derek,

    I was diagnosed last year at age 49, Gleason 9, stage 3a (locally advanced).

    Happy to help if you have any questions 


  • Amazing thank you and has your PSA stayed pretty much the same

  • My psa over the 1st 2 years bounced between 3.5 4.1... then last year increased 4.1, 4.5, 5.1. I was very concerned my nurse kept telling me all is OK?? Not in my head it wasn't... had second opinion from prostate cancer uk upon this phone call I was asked about sex, or ejaculating or vigorous exercise or riding a bike24 to 48hrs prior to blood test.. upon reflection I had rode my bike previous 2 occasions before test.. didn't do no exercise last 2 tests psa now 3.5.. it can bounce around but very annoyed that my nurse didn't tell about this.. caused unnecessary anxiety do some research and ask questions in my journey if you don't ask they don't tell?? ..

  • I’m so sorry to hear of you younger men being brought face to face with this darned cancer. But - how amazing that you are clubbing together to offer support.

    i have a few comments to make:

    Can you be sure to tell your male family members so that they can get themselves checked out? Prostate cancer tends to ‘run’ in some families and the sooner it is detected the sooner it can be successfully cured.

    my understanding is that men can only have a NHS PSA test if they have symptoms or are over 50. You are all evidence of the fact that this age restriction needs to be changed. Can your experiences help effect this change so something good comes out of your situation for all men?

    if you have a strong family history of prostate or breast cancer, do you think you need to talk to your consultant about being referred for genetic counselling? My husband did this and it involves about 30 mins talking through the pros and cons, filling in a form about the family history and having a blood test. The rocket science side of it is handled by the professionals Slight smile

    I wish all of you young ‘lads’ all the very best on your prostate journey and, from an old lady - a big hug to you all :)