Blood in semen

  • 4 replies
  • 110 subscribers

After completing RT in January I have mainly been free of nasty side effects until recently when I have been ejaculating watery blood.

This did not happen until 5 months after the RT.

I have been assured that it is perfectly normal and nothing to worry about. 

I feel lucky to be able to have strong erections and to be able to ejaculate but blood is a bit of a turnoff to say the least. 

Has anyone else experienced this?

  • Hello  .

    This is a possible side effects after several different types of procedure including EBRT, Brachytherapy and SBRT. My husband only experienced it after his biopsies but it was a bit disconcerting at the time. Apparently it has been reported as happening for about 25% of men having EBRT, but less with SBRT. It should resolve itself but you can be prescribed Finasteride, this may however affect your performance.

  • Hi  , I am not medically trained but understand that this does occur in a low percentage of men following RT.  It appears to be no problem, but obviously might cause issues for you, if it bothers you or your partner.

    If your team are aware, there shouldn’t be a major problem and it is likely to stop in time without treatment.  There are options but these involve drugs (and may have side effects).  Hope this helps. David

  • David 

    Thanks for your reply.  I agree, it does seem to be normal for some and nothing to worry about.  

  • Thanks for your reply.  I think I will wait and see if it resolves itself. 

    I don't like taking drugs unless really necessary especially not if they may reduce 'performance'.  Slight smile