Hot flushes

  • 11 replies
  • 114 subscribers

Hi everyone,not been on for a while,been busy with family,can anybody help me with theses hot flushes/night sweats,I am into my stomach injections in my hormone treatment,awaiting radiotherapy,I heard somewhere about sage tablets at Holland and Barrett but not sure,it’s driving me mad (along with the other stuff)I feel like an inferno when they come on ,which is throughout the day and night??

  • Hi

    Hot flushes are a real pain! I've heard from others here, that sage tablets worked for them but,  never tried them myself. I took the route of taking layers of clothing off and then putting them back on again - which worked for me!



    Trying to get fit again!
  • My husband took sage tea (2 to 3 cups a day) which helped him. This also benefited by reducing caffeine from the diet which can exacerbate the hot flushes, as can alcohol. He has also taken sage tablets from Healthspan which work for him as he has found his symptoms increase during the first month of each 3 months cycle. Before taking any supplements check it out with the doctors first and ensure it comes from a reputable source, particularly if you have heart or kidney problems. We live in a hot country and have found that natural fibre bedding (cotton, linen, bamboo), fans and open windows help, plus light layers which can be thrown off. He also puts a large towel on the bed at times. We keep a pile of damp flannels in the fridge for a quick refresh.

    The doctor can prescribe medication if you are really struggling and some derive benefit from complementary therapies.

    PCUK have produced a fact sheet on the side effects from hormone therapy which might give some tips.,sweating%2C%20which%20can%20be%20uncomfortable.

    The thing to remember is that it might be trial and error and in some men the symptoms decline after a while as the body gets used to the hormone deprivation.

  • Hello  

    I understand just where you are with this. My hot flushes were bad and I started on Sage Tablets (Meonoforce from Holland & Barrett - they are a tad expensive) but within a week the flushes have stopped.  I still take them as I am still on H T so all is well.

    Sage tablets don't work foe everyone but they did for me so worth a try.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

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  • Sage tablets seem to work for some people so give them a try but you can get medication from the GP if these do not work for you. As these hot flushes seem to be having a really bad effect on you I think you do need to take something.  I barely noticed them myself until I was coming off the HT but they never worried me too much.  It was a case of taking off a layer of clothing - in summer that was hard as probably only wearing underwear shorts and a T shirt :)  Wearing natural fibres such as cotton helps.  Winter time was just a case of wearing a few thin layers which were easy to take off.  Started sleeping under cotton sheet and woolen blankets before that as my wife had trouble with the same going through menopause and this helps as easier to throw one blanket off you and then the other than freeze within minutes when you have thrown off the whole quilt.  You can also get cooling sprays and my wife recommended holding the wrists under cold water.  Now we have a water meter she just plunges her hands in a bowl of cold water I will not apologise for my "Yorkshireness"  I am proud of it and glad to have her as a convert :)

  • I suffered from severe hot flushes, at least one per hour day and hight, it really impacted my day to day life. Apart from waking up at night, I had to sleep with a towel as I would soak the bed with sweat. My oncologist eventually prescribed me Medroxyprogesterone 20mg a day, that resolved it almost completely.i still get flushes but they're far fewer and not as severe, it doesn't impact my sleep anymore (now if I could only get the bladder to do them same, I'll be able to sleep Smile)

  • Thankyou I will give them ago,anything is better than this raging fire.

  • Going to give the sage tabs  ago ,thanks.

  • Hello  

    I do hope they work for you. I was sick to death using towels to keep the bed dry!!

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Going to give the sage tabs  ago ,thanks.

    Alongside Sage capsules, I also took Evening Primrose Oil from Holland and Barrett and an Homeopathic remedy of Sepia (cuttlefish ink) which my GP prescribed for occasional use (every 6 weeks or so). That combination worked brilliantly for me.

    Please be aware that the prescription medications of Cyproterone Acetate and Provera (both of which seem to be very effective) can lead to an increase in you HbA1C blood sugar. That added on to the effects of the HT can push you into type 2 Diabetes, so something to watch out for 

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