12 Months On......

  • 24 replies
  • 117 subscribers

Hello fellow Community members.

Just a quick one from me - I have now been on the Community for 30 months and today marks the first anniversary of completing my training and getting my "Community Champion" badge. The last 12 months have been busy, it's been a learning curve for me but Mrs Millibob thinks I am a better person for doing what I do. As well as looking after the Prostate forum you can now find me helping out across the entire Community. On a personal front I have had my last hormone injection and my PSA is being held at a nice 0.29.

This post is to thank each and every one of you for the help and support you have given to me and the entire Community during the past 12 months. The peer to peer support is amazing and it's so gratifying to see people join the Community, "find their feet" and in time offer support to others. Without your continued support - it just wouldn't work!!

I know we are dealing with a very serious subject - cancer - but on "our" forum I think we have the right balance, we know when to be serious and we also know how to take time out and "relax". Something to remember too is that not only do your posts help the poster - they help the thousands of people with cancer who "ghost" the forum for information without joining.

So to everyone on the Community -to those who just read the posts and receive the information to those regular posters (you know who you are!Wink) a big THANK YOU to you all.

Brian (Macmillan volunteer Community Champion).

  • Thank you to you too.  Your support is greatly appreciated.

  • Thank you for you kindness and help.

  • Congratulations on the first anniversary and thank you for your care and support. We know we are in this for the long haul and there are some amazing people on here who, hopefully, will continue to help out for a long time as they realise that life can carry on and be good after a cancer diagnosis.

  • Hi Brian, 

    Congratulations on your first anniversary.

    Earlier this year when I was going through a rough time, your council along with the other fabulous people on here was a lifesaver for me. So thank you.

    Great to hear your personal journey remains positive.

     Had my first chemo session earlier today on the triplet therapy program. Left with a bag of pills geared up for the next three weeks.

    please carry on the great work.


  • well done for putting up with us all for a whole year as community champion.  You've done us all proud! Thank you!!!

  • Hello Chris  

    So pleased to hear from you and that you have managed to sort out the Triplet Therapy treatment. i do hope it works for you and that any side effects are minimal.

    As i always say "we are a great bunch" and having had a couple of "dark days" myself when I didn't feel at my best everyone kept me going and once you realise you are not alone - well, the fight continues.

    Let us know how the Triplet Therapy goes.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Congratulations on your anniversary Brian and a huge thank you for the hard work & dedication you put in to support all the members (& ghosts) on their relative journeys.  It's massively appreciated - special thanks as well to Mrs Millibob who no doubt has to bare with you when you are tied up in your champion role, so please pass on our appreciation & best wishes to her.  

    It's a sad fact that anyone joining your flock is doing so at a very challenging & worrying time for them, but the way everyone pitches in to provide comfort & much needed information makes a huge difference to each & every journey. 

  • Thanks Brian ( 

    Mrs Millibob (Lorraine) just takes one look at the computer screen and utters the phrase "Looking after your flock today" and wanders off to spend my money!! I will pass on your sentiments!!

    We do have a cracking Community here and we should all be proud to be members. Thanks again for your continued support. I am aware of your PSA "bounce" on your last test and wish you well with the next one.

    Best wishes - Brian

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Thank you Brian . You have been a godsend for me . 
    keep enjoying your family holiday 

    Liz & OH XX

  • Greetings, now that is a coincidence because for some reason you came into my mind today and I logged in for the first time in ages. I too have just had my last jab and my PSA was 0.25 at the last blood test.