Hello, I am back

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  • 111 subscribers

Sorry I have been missing for awhile, had a busy fewThumbsup weeks and then we went to Cyprus for 3 weeks. I have never been so hot in all my life. Luckily husband only had the odd hot flush to cope with. He had his bloods done on Thursday and I am happy to report that they came back normal and his PSA was still undetected at less than 0.03 so a massive relief. Can't believe it is almost a year since he started his chemo. Hope everyone is ok and doing well, I am just about to catch up on posts. 

  • Hello Shar, and welcome back. I know what you mean about the heat, never known anything like it for such a prolonged time.

    Absolutely brilliant news about the PSA. We both started on the chemotherapy journey with our husbands at the same time so feel some affinity as we were both like rabbits in the headlights. Here we are almost a year later and still going strong. Tomorrow it is 4 years to the day since hubby was first diagnosed and he says he is feeling the best he has felt in a long time. Keep fighting and let us know where and when the next cruise is.

  • Fantastic news and reading your and your husband’s story has also given me so much hope and reassurance. Thank you so much for posting the update. 
    My husband had his first Zoladex implant yesterday so I assume he won’t have another PSA for around 3 months in order to let it do its stuff. When he was treated 10 years ago, he was very fortunate not to have any adverse reactions to the HT and back then it brought his PSA down from 45 to 2 incredibly quickly, so I’m hoping it’s the same story this time. 

    Thank you to everyone on this wonderfully supportive group for just being there. My husband has always been very logical, stoical and able to deal with facts but he tends to accept and not ask questions. I’m the one doing the overthinking and the what ifs. To read about others experiences has helped ground me and stop the overwhelming panic,  so hopefully I can be better equipped and informed when we next meet the oncologist. 

  • Welcome back, Shar! I’m pleased to hear all is going so very well for you both! We once went to Cyprus in July and it was sooooooo very hot! But, Cyprus was a very interesting place to visit. I suspect there may be another cruise on the agenda any time soon?