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  • 123 subscribers

Hello Fellow Community Members

As some of you may be aware 2021 was one of the Covid years. It was also the year that Lorraine (Mrs Millibob) and I both had, shall we say "life changing events" with stays in hospital. Once we were both on the mend Lorraine decided we should have a family holiday before any further of the aforementioned "life changing events" came along. So after 18 months planning:

We will be away from Thursday evening 18 July to Monday evening 12 August 2024. Lorraine and I are off to France, along with our 4 adult children, all 4 partners, all 3 grand children (one only 3 weeks old) oh and all 6 family dogs. As you can expect I will be rather busy so I won't be as active on the Community during this period (although I will pop on if I get chance!!).

The Community Team are aware of my holidays and some of the other Community Champions will be watching over "my flock".

I am sure that you will all continue to offer support to both new and current Community members in the very positive way you all do. Our Community is the top rated peer to peer prostate cancer Community - let's keep it that way.  Thank you to each and everyone of you who continue to provide support to people who start out as strangers and end up being great friends.

To quote Arnie "I'll be back".

Best wishes to all.

Brian - (Macmillan Online Community Champion Volunteer).

  • Welcome back Brian.  Glad you had a relaxing time and hope you have given yourself the night off before looking at the scales!  David

  • Hello David ( 

    Amazing but I have lost 6lb in the last 3.5 weeks. I think it's because it's been hot and I have been swimming, walking and with a week on a canal boat I have been a busy boy.

    I have eaten well and the wine was good but I have tried to be a "man of moderation"

    Back to being an accountant now and you don't get much exercise adding numbers up!! 

    Time to book my next holiday, me thinks.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Wow.  Well done you.

  • I have had a number of experiences with canal boats - from the Norfolk Broads to Ireland, all when my daughter's were considerably younger.

    It is entertaining for your holiday's to be punctuated by cries of "Mum, he's fallen in again!".

  • Welcome home 

    ! Good to have you back! Good luck with the PSA!

  • Hi Brian sounds like a good time was had by all,  George has started on hormone treatment and so far so good, his last PS A was 0.01 so treatment is doing something, we are off to Croatia in a month's time and we can't wait, at least now we are starting to calm.down and just taking each day as it comes, keep up the good work 

  • Welcome back  - make sure you get unpacked properly & the washing done (don’t leave it to Mrs Millibob!) before you wade into leading your flock again!!!  You don’t want to start off with a domestic Joy          AW

  • PSA test yesterday. it's my nadir reading (18 months after RT).

    0.29 - down from 0.33 - 6 months ago!! Happy days Heart eyes

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Good news Brian but slap on the wrist time. It might not be your nadir as the PSA has been seen to continue dropping for 2-3 years. You might see a bounce as the HT gets out of your system but this can trigger your immune system to kick in and result in a further drop. Just keep doing what you are doing and think positively.

    Kick ass as some like to say.

  • Next PSA test scheduled foe 14/2/2025 and at that point it will be 8 months since my last HT injection.

    I am thinking positive - and yes, it's been going down for 32 months - but not as fast as I would have liked it to!!  Unamused.

    Overall though I can't complain - I did start off with a PSA of 182 and am on a "Curative Pathway" so life is good.

    My oncologist said the 18 month after RT PSA reading is usually taken as the "nadir" reading and then intervention will be required if I have 3 consecutive rises or a rise of +2.00 or more.

    I do think mine has had it's "ass kicked" but sometimes I feel like a one legged man at an ass kicking competition!! Innocent.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.