My husband's cancer journey

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  • 115 subscribers

Hi everyone it's been a while since I posted here, but tomorrow is the day we see the oncologist and I'm here in bed and my tummy is in knots, trying to be positive and at the same time getting myself into a tangle.  George does not seem to be neither up not down, he is so laid back, I wish I had his outlook.  He had his first hormone injection 3 months ago and his PSA went from 69 to 0.01 so his doctor was very pleased with that result.  As far as we know the cancer is in his pelvic bone and nowhere else, his lymph nodes are also clear, so fingers crossed for him tomorrow, he is also in remission from Non Hodgins so fighting two wars but never complains, he is so brave.  I probably will be awake all night, will let you know how we get on
