Prostate Biopsy - Difficultly Passing Urine

  • 3 replies
  • 106 subscribers

Dear all. I had a Transperineal Biopsy 9 days ago on Wednesday 26th July. Usual symptoms but one that I am finding frustrating to grapple with is that now I’m post biopsy, it’s harder to pass urine. I had no problems before. Now I have to push harder. It’s not as free flowing. I do feel what feels like some bruising in the prostate area. I know it’s not an infection as I have no symptoms of an infection. Has anyone else experienced this and, if so, how long might I expect this to continue?

  • I would contact your GP and/or urologist for advice about this - whoever is easiest to contact.. 

  • I had almost exactly the same symptoms, but the urine difficulties resolved themselves in about 3 days.

    It was uncomfortable to sit down suddenly for about a week. Things in that part of the world did feel somewhat swollen.

    So, I second  's advice.

    I was given a contact number for the specialist nurses. I phoned and left a message, they responded in a couple of hours.

  • Good Morning  

    The previous posters are correct. You need to contact the hospital department who performed the biopsy, failing that your G P. If the symptoms persist I am afraid it's a trip to A & E.

    Please let us know how you get on as it's helpful for others who have the same issues.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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