Fighting Prostate Cancer -A Survival Guide

  • 14 replies
  • 112 subscribers

I have just read through this excellent downloadable booklet which has been written in plain English. For anyone looking to understand more about prostate cancer I think it is essential reading to add to the guides on PCUK, Macmillan and Cancer Research UK.

  • Very good find! Thanks  !

    I perused it and was surprised to see MDT mentioned so early in the table of content. That is, until I realized that in that book MDT stands for Multi-Disciplinary Team. I am more used to it meaning Metastatic Directed Therapy :)

  • It is aimed at the UK audience but I don't think it loses much when read by people in different countries. Interesting about the different meaning in Canada.

  • Thank you for sharing this. So informative. Have discovered so much. Note to self - stop sitting researching all the time!!

  • Thanks for that AH. I wish that had been available when I was diagnosed six years ago, there's so much good information in it.

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
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  • Thanks very much for that - I will add it to my ever increasing resource bank.

    I love the fact it's written in easy to read and understand terms.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • Hi AH, the book is available online, I got a copy over a year ago and it was free and probably still is, one of my favourite sources of information on PCa.


  • Apparently the author is a Macmillan consultant and has recently been awarded an MBE for her work. It makes me wonder why this free booklet isn't standard issue as soon as someone is diagnosed with prostate cancer in the UK as it answers a lot of questions and could save a lot of anxiety. It is a one stop shop which can be kept as a reference document.

  • Hi AH it is a fab book and should be given to everyone it would easily pay for itself, more likely, save the NHS money as people would know many of the things they may be experiencing are normal so no need for phone calls or appointments, so freeing up time and resources for others and also less stress and anxiety for them, whatever happened to common sense, looks like a good idea on every level, PS I'm helping, "a very small part", a counsellor friend at a local cancer charity along side a local university to set up a support group for people with metastatic cancer locally, Yorkshire. and in the process we talked about about the lack of information patients get post diagnosis and the Uni, which has links to all the local cancer hospitals are working on an information package for every patient, I see my counsellor friend tomorrow will ask if the book could be part of the package, no harm in asking.


  • Well done Eddie for spreading the news.

    Maybe it is a link that Macmillan could put in the first paragraph of the Prostate Cancer page as well which would give those joining, or just the lurkers, a resource which they can store on their own devices for future reference, or, as you say, send off for a free copy of the book.

  • Morning AH., that would be a great idea, It would have been so helpful to me, even having done 15 years in healthcare my understanding of PCa had lots of holes in it. It's just plain wrong to be sent home with no information.  Anyway how is life in Greece, hope you are hubby are in a good place, we are all off on holiday to Fort William to see family for 5 days, always a fab time. hope you have something nice planned.

    Eddie xx