I am learning how to be patient, especially with uncertainty

  • 2 replies
  • 111 subscribers

Morning everyone

I echo the strong words of the princess of Wales. 

Lots of love


  • Good Morning Dafna

    2 and a half years into my journey and I agree with that statement. Since diagnosis my empathy for others has increased and I have so much patience my wife can't believe the change.

    I put it down to the Hormone Therapy - thanks NHS!

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • You are likely right on with you comment about putting it down to the hormone therapy. Being deprived of testosterone has depleted me of my innate impatience and anger.

    When I was on my 3rd month of ADT vacation, I remember feeling the anger and impatience start to come back. Now that I am back on ADT, I am docile once again. And maybe more in touch with my feminine side. :)