Pick peoples brains

  • 6 replies
  • 111 subscribers

Hi There

It's me again, I'm still around but don't post much as I don't have much to say really.

PSA it still around 0.4 and I'm still on 3 monthly Triptorelin injections.

I'm trying to improve my fitness, still walking the dog 5 miles a day and doing martial arts which in itself is a challenge for a 62 year old diabetic without adding in the extra challenge of Stage 4 Prostate cancer ;-)
Sudden onset fatigue is still an issue as are the regular hot sweats.

The reason for this post is to pick people's brains

I know than one of the side effects of HT is dizziness but recently this has become worse

I woke up in the middle of the night last week and wondered what time it was so I picked up my phone that was on the bedside table. I felt dizzy and when I looked at the phone it was like the old cathode ray tube televisions when the vertical hold was faulty and the picture was scrolling from top to bottom of the screen. It wasn't my eyes doing this but had to be how my brain was interpreting the image

Has anyone else experienced similar? It has happened once before during the day and passes after a few seconds.

I'm not sure if it's the HT injections or something else. If it happens again I will be making an appointment with the doctor.

Still getting the dizziness if I get up too quickly but that may be my age

Any advice is appreciated.

  • Dizziness when you stand up could be due to low blood pressure. Many pharmacies can check this for you or make an appointment with your GP.

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
    (See my profile for more)
  • Hey Slartibastfast,

    my dad is on hormone therapy and has been since 1 May. Since being on it he has had around 5 dizzy spells. 
    we spoke with the Urologyst about it last week who confirmed it can be a side effect of adjusting to the hormone and to always stand up slowly. 

    his is the same a few seconds then it goes. How long have you been on hormone therapy and when did it start?

    I would say it is always worth flagging to your medical team. 

  • Hi  .

    This can be a side effect of the hormone therapy and one which you should talk to the medical team about. It could be to do with something like blood pressure (which can also cause giddiness when getting up) or the way the drugs act on the brain. My husband experiences this visual disturbance with the onset of a migraine but he doesn't usually have the headache with it. He was prone to migraines prior to HT but they have increased in numbers since. I hope you get to the bottom of it soon.

  • Never had migraines in the past and there was no headache.
    Freaked me out when it happened

  • I started on HT injections on 4th August last year
    I know about getting up slowly as its just one of those 'getting old' things but I was lying down at the time.  The visual thing really freaked me out at the time

  • I would run it past your team, especially as you have been on them a while and this is something new. 

    Hope you get it sorted x