Bones broken after fall - treatment side-effect?

  • 2 replies
  • 111 subscribers

Something for you to consider.

I am exactly as I was when I was born. Have everything i started with, never broken anything and other than day treatments for my cancer, life has (and still is) good.

I read one of the side effects of the drugs we need, is brittle or weak bones.

I tripped last week, wasn't a pretty landing and somehow I broke both my arms. I can type by moving my fingers!!  I did my nose as well, I don't look pretty at the moment.

But I just thought i'd let you people know so you can do with this info what you will. My emergency doctor said he had never seen such breaks before, they are unusual. Is it the treatment? Has it made me susceptible? You can decide, I think it must have, I was fine for 60 odd years!!

 not sure what you can do to build bone strength but might pay to have a look.

  • Hello  

    Thanks for bringing this up - and so sorry you have had to find out the hard way!

    Yes bone thinning/weakening is one of the side effects of HT/RT and if I remember I try and ensure that anyone on HT has checked with their team if they should at least be on Calcium and Vitamin D tablets. (my team missed it until someone on here reminded me!).

    This thread regarding this subject is quite busy at the moment.

     Worried about diagnosis of bone mets 

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • Sadly loss of bone density can be a side-effect from testosterone blocking therapy.

    I fight it off by eating some cheese every day and doing exercises with heave weights. Jogging or brisk walks are also recommended as the impact of your feet against the asphalt help keep retain the bone density.