Scuba diving during and following external radiotherapy

  • 3 replies
  • 111 subscribers

Hi everyone, I have recently been diagnosed with stage 2 localised prostate cancer and have elected to have four weeks radiotherapy five days per week. Could anyone advise as to whether it is possible to continue scuba diving on the weekends off treatment and shortly after treatment has finished.

NB. I will not be on a course of hormone therapy as I was advised it was not required. 

  • Good Afternoon  

    I think that's a great question. I think the best place for an honest answer is the Radiologist Department at the hospital where you are having your Radiotherapy.

    I do hope in your case it's a yes.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • Hi TonyN ,  my husband has dived for the past 30 years and the thumb guide is  Prostrate Cancer Treatment This type of cancer does not pose a specific problem to diving, but the extent of treatment, healing of wounds, general condition and level of fitness following the illness and its treatment are important considerations to keep in mind when starting or returning to diving. However many Dive operators ask for a Fitness to Dive certificate . Another thing to be mindful is they will ask for one when you reach 70 too . If you check out with your consultant he will advise further . Another little bit of interest is some people use the chamber to enrich their bodies  with oxygen that helps  with healing .  We had already checked out as we are hoping to get away at some point and this was the information we were given . Fingers crossed x