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  • 107 subscribers

I had 50% spare saving surgery followed by 7 weeks radiotherapy that was 18 months ago I cant take drugs because I had an elergic reaction so I'm just using the pump the one a brought cost me £200 I've been using it for a 2 years but I've just got one on NHS and its much better I'm not in a relationship ship at the moment but my confidence has been knocked especially around the ladies I think because I know that if the relationship gets more intimate I've got to tell her I can only get an erection using this pump and am thinking will that put her off me.can anyone advise me on this subject 

  • Hi Godbless and welcome to the forum, though i had a few intimacy issues going through treatment, we went 14 months without intercourse, I didn't have ED, but my partner was so understanding and caring, never once was i made to feel inadequate or less than a man. Godbless that you need a pump to get an erection will not matter in the slightest to any future partner of yours, love, trust, honesty, a sense of humour and friendship are at least as important as intimacy, my guess is that the pump will become a fun part of foreplay, If you type in, sex and cancer -  lets talk, you will see a post by survivor72 which i think will help you, best wishes.


  • Hello  .

    Welcome to the family. Eddie has expressed things well and I have attached the link for you as I know it can be difficult to navigate the forum at first.


    My husband has been on HT for almost 4 years but, whilst some aspects of our physical relationship are not possible, this has not stopped us from being very close and still having fun. From a womans point of view a loving, caring partnership is more important. Someone I can enjoy doing things with, having a laugh with, but being supportive on the down days carries a lot more weight.