Prostap Injection

  • 6 replies
  • 111 subscribers

Today, I was scheduled to have my Prostap injection (Three-monthly).   They have just cancelled it because the nurse is off sick, and rescheduled it for Saturday- a delay of four days.   Is this likely to have any advese effects? as I was always told how important it is to have them on time!

  • Good Morning  

    If your injection is a few days late ( in your case 5 days ) it's not a problem - it's only a problem if you miss it for more than a couple of weeks, or altogether and your testosterone starts to recover. (that's from Prostate Cancer U'K's official information).

    You are quite right though, it is important to have them on time as they contain the precise dose of Hormones for the period.

    I hope this puts you at ease.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • Thanks Brian, I thought that might be the case.

  • Hi  , when I was having Prostap 3 injections the nurse told me a week either way was OK but to be sure to get back on schedule for the next one. Oh, and by the way, it should be 12 weeks between injections and not three months.

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  • Yes, I know it is exactly 12 weeks,, approx 3 months.    When they do it, they give me  a card with the next date on it, and I book it a month before.   It seems to be working, now in my third year on it.  Initially I had bad abdominal pains and they just told me to see my GP.   I was ultra sound scanned, blood tested, x-rayed and stool tested and prodded about, but nothing showed up, and I was just told to take paracetamol, up to 8 a day.   I ended up taking 56 a week that I thought was too much.    Then, after my own internet research, I went on a gluten-free diet and the pain went away within 12 hours.    That was about October last year, and I have been pain-free ever since.   My main problem now is fatigue and breathlesness when exerting myself, or even just walking outside, but the breathing problem comes from Bronchiectasis, but no-one can think anything that may help, beyond "see your GP!"    I am not fighting any of this, and am just letting things take their course, but at 80, I have had a good life.    No-one seems to want to say if it is side effects from prostap, or something else!

  • Hello   - I would say that the fatigue is a side effect of the  Hormone therapy - I would suggest you put your question to our specialist cancer nurses - and here's the link:

     Ask a Nurse 

    Please give them 2 or 3 days to answer as it's a busy service at the moment.

    Best wishes - Brian..

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

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