Update on dad’s diagnosis

  • 18 replies
  • 112 subscribers

Hi all, coming back to share a quick update. My dad, initially diagnosed as T3N0M0, Gleason 3+4, PSA 6.9, had a prostatectomy. He looks like he’s getting downgraded to a T2bN0M0! The extracapsular extension was debatable on the scan and once they got in, it seems like it hadn’t extended after all. Waiting on pathology results to confirm.

Recovery chugging along, if any gents have tips to share they are much appreciated!

  • Hi Poodlemom,

    Good news that your dad is actually a lower grade, but a bit disturbing that he had a prostatectomy to find that out! I hope he recovers well and hopefully someone will be along to give you some tips for recovery. What is he having problems with in his aftercare?

    Best wishes to you and dad


  • Hello  

    Another set of best wishes from me - I hope the recover goes well and that he's feeling great being "rid" of the problem.

    Best wishes - Brian

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

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    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Ah, yes, though we knew the extracapsular was debatable prior - size of tumor and likelihood of it going extracapsular even if not yet meant we felt ok going ahead with surgery. 

    I think the usual urinary control issue is a bit tough for him to get used to, to be honest! If quite normal is my understanding. 

  • Thank you so much! we and he are very grateful it is out.

  • As Millibob says good to be rid of the problem and moving on. Hopefully you will get some good replies on aftercare, pelvic floor exercises etc from others that have had surgery, it's also worth searching through the forum as there are plenty of posts and chats with tips.

    Best wishes L

  • Brilliant.  Hope the results are good for him.

  • I don't find this prostatectomy situation disturbing at all. The information from the surgery pathology is very useful clinically.  I hope poodlemom's dad is a Pt2 with no more treatment necessary as long as PSA remains undetectable.

    If not, much will be known about her dad's risk of spread going forward and how to treat it.

    In my case, MRI showed 2 PIRADS 5  lesions with bulges in the capsule.  It also showed bilateral seminal vesicle invasion. Biopsy showed 8 of 12 cores positive. Gleason 6.

    Perhaps unwisely I chose surgery. My pathology came back with a surprise. Pt2, clean margins, no extracapsular extension.  No seminal vesicle invasion. Gleason upgraded to 3+4=7. My PSA has been undetectable for 28 months now.

    If I had chosen radiation I would still be on ADT, never knowing I didn't need it. By 3 months after surgery things were normal again. 

    I thank the stars everyday that I did not choose radiation and ADT.

  • Yes, this is how we currently feel, too, but will never know the alternative!

    I am reviewing the aftercare tips particularly exercises as Dad is a bit unhappy with the incontinence. However it has only been a few weeks, so we hope it will improve. I am sure my mum would also appreciate any tips for caregivers.

  • Thank you very much for the wishes!

  • Thank you so much. I am reviewing now. If there were any that were particularly helpful to you, would love to hear any gentlemen’s opinions (or tips from caregivers - it’s a bit tough on mum too!).