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Hi, didn’t imagine I’d be posting here a few months ago…….I normally post on holiday/travel forums…. So hello. I had PSA x 2 before Christmas 2023. 8.2. 7.1    Then MRI , then biopsy. Diagnosed mid Jan 4+3. I’ve seen a consultant who 1st broke the news. Apparently I have 2 slow 2 moderate from biopsy. She kind of gave me the option to have removal or Active S. I also spoke to my Dr and in fact another Dr also . When pushed all 3 said they may well side with the A.S. In the mean time I had the choice to go and see the actual consultant / surgeon at the hospital 100 miles from where I live that do the op. Very nice chap, BUT he said he did not like a Gleason 4+3 in a 57 yr old and advised I have the op although that was just his kind advice. He said if it was a Gleason 6 , yes 100% do nothing apart from keeping an eye on it. I kind of feel I need to listen to him and go ahead with the op. I can just hear his voice as he as he did say “ I do not like a Gleason 7 in a 57 yr old . Anyway that’s my story so Thankyou..

  • Hi MWP and welcome to the forum though sorry you have to be here. Looks like you have some thinking to do, though being Gleason 7 gives you plenty of time to decide, can i ask have you talked about radiotherapy and/or hormone therapy with your consultant. You will find many guys on here who had a prostatectomy or radiotherapy and will be able to give you a patients point of view on the different merits and risks of both treatments, feel free to ask any question you wish and remember no question is silly, we all started not knowing much about cancer, take care.


  • Eddie, thanks for your reply. Consultant said RT could follow surgey if needed. I did mention about HT but got the impression that surgey was needed. Regards, Mat.

  • Hi MWP

    Your stats are quite low so good news as gives you some time.

    Do u know what the MRI said in terms of size and location within the gland,?

    Don't forget if u went to see a surgeon he will obviously recommend surgery as your best option, do consider carefully as RT and HT is Def another option

    Best wishes


  • Hi Mat, as Grundo says and i have to agree surgeons will  favour surgery, Do your homework, talk to others who have experience of different treatment options and outcomes before you make your final decision, best wishes.


  • Thanks both of you.

  • Hi Mat, that your tumour is T2 is very good news and in my, non professional, opinion would have thought the need for surgery soon strange, though it's your body and your choice,


  • Good Morning   Another warm welcome to the club you didn't want to join!!

    You have already had some great advice from the chaps above. Your statistics show a cancer but "slow growing" at this point. I agree with the surgeon - you need some form of treatment,

    I would say you have the choice of 3 treatments - Surgery, Hormone/Radiotherapy or Brachytherapy and as been said above the surgeon will advise surgery, the oncologist HT/RT etc.

    Personally I would make a list of the pros and cons of each treatment as they would affect YOU. Read through the forum threads as the outcome of the treatment is very different for all of us - I am on the HT/RT route 26 months into a 36 month journey. You can read my journey by clicking on my icon - I did have a couple of other issues on the way!!  Ask people questions as to how they were affected by their treatment.

    Can I ask please - that you stick your stats on your profile - it will stop us keep asking you each time you post!! To do this on your home page click on the icon of the chair (top right) then "profile" and then "edit". - Thanks.

    I hope the above helps.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • Bit confused here . You said at the top it was a 4+3 , but in this note it says a 3+4 . Important difference. Maybe just me confused though . It happens . Bill