First Oncologist Meeting - 5 weeks after Gleason 9 Diagnosis (T3a N0 Mx)

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Hi all you lovely courageous people. My first update since joining this inspiring Community and thanks for all the help and support so far -  See my profile for my diagnosis and personal background. I want to update on my first Oncology meeting and to ensure I`m posting update stuff in the correct way or should I just update the BIO?

Anyway, my wife an I rocked up to the meeting on March 4th full of the usual fear and apprehension not knowing what to expect other than wanting to get cracking on the next phase of The Plan whatever that might be.  I have had my first HT injection and completed a course of Bicalutamide on Valentines Day. My main concern was had anything changed since not taking anything since then as my CT/Bone scans were clear.

In between times I was also invited to discuss  Radical Robotic Surgery to remove the Prostate and we trudged off to Addenbrookes for a meeting with a Consultant to understand if this could be a quick win!  Long story short this was likely to be a huge gamble given my diagnosis and had all sorts of scary outcomes and impact on quality of life if it didn`t go to plan.  TBF, the Consultant didn`t sugar-coat the procedure and possible downside so we took this away and said we would discuss with The Oncologist, although we had kind of made up our minds this was not going to be an option!

When we got the fantastic Woodlands Macmillan Cancer Centre at Hinchingbrooke Hospital, in Huntingdon, Cambs we were amazed to find free parking and a warm friendly atmosphere and were offered a cup of tea by a lovely volunteer lady which I declined as I`m try to keep fluids down for obvs reasons.  As the appointment time approached we were told to go in and meet the lovely lady Oncologist and then......The Computers went down!  She had no access to my records!   

We were offered the option of waiting or re-scheduling - a complete no-brainer considering we`re hoping to take a much needed break in the Sun next week March 12th after 6 months of waiting for appointments, scans and results,    We went and sat in the car so we could vape and make some calls but an hour or so later we were waved at from the front door and told to come in - phew!

The outcome was really positive and I will be moving forward with a "Curative Plan" to include HT and RT as experienced by many in this forum.  The key is the word Curative which means we can work towards a cancer free outcome - all being well!   It`s going to be a long journey and the RT fun will start in April following my second HT injection.  Now waiting on results of PSA and looking forward to that holiday next week  My wife Lorraine and family have been great and I feel for them more than I do myself but we are all keen to beat this thing no matter how long it takes.

  • Hi Geoff S, glad to see that you have got a curative pathway and treatment is planned.  Have a great break and keep positive. 
    Best wishes. David

  • Thank you 

    Geoff S

    We`ve Got This!

  • Hello  

    Great post and all looks good- fantastic service from the NHS. Enjoy the holiday and come back ready to do battle with the HT/RT.

    I am a Gleason 9 T3aN0M0 on much the same journey as you only 26 months further down the line - life has been good - in fact I am writing this waiting for the sun to come up in Turkey - I have had issues but at the end of the day I always remember those two words used by the oncologist - "Curative Pathway"

    Positive attitude and keep fit - you will walk it - Welcome to my world.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Thank you so much Brian!  You have been an inspiration and one of the first to respond to my “hello” post!  Enjoy the Sun in Turkey and all the best for the future.   Will stay in touch on here!

    Geoff S

    We`ve Got This!

  • Hi Geoff - I probably spoke to the same consultant surgeon at Addenbrookes, as he didn’t sugar coat the side effects and said there was a 30% chance of recurrence/ salvage RT.  As I didn’t fancy two sets of side effects from RP then RT, my wife and I came away with exactly the same decision that surgery was not for me! 
    I was then treated at Peterborough- a similar friendly set up to Hinchingbrook - indeed, they may even send you to Peterborough for treatment on their computer controlled, modern LINAC radiotherapy delivery machines. 
    I recommend that you take a look at my bio (with a detailed link to my journey) to see some of what awaits you.  I had brachytherapy boost (the brachytherapy part being done at Addenbrookes, as not done at H or Pboro.   AW

  • Many thanks AW - we certainly have common ground in more ways than one!  I’ve had a Quick Look at your bio and will put some focus on this in the coming days.  Extremely helpful and adding to my positivity.  Like you, I’m  glass half full person.   Have followed you and sent a friend request- hope this ok?  Have great weekend and here’s to many more 

    Geoff S

    We`ve Got This!

  • PS - I am scheduled to go to Pboro for RT in April for planning- will see what they’ve got to say about Brach Boost as that’s a new one on me.  BFN Heart️

    Geoff S

    We`ve Got This!

  • Sorry AW - quick question on LINAC RT sessions- were you ok to drive yourself after each session.   Worried about potential transport issues if I can’t Sweat smile

    Geoff S

    We`ve Got This!

  • How far have you got to drive?  If it’s under 30 mins, no problem at all.  If it’s over 30 mins then you may need a loo stop on the way to stay comfortable and able to concentrate.  No problem whatsoever with the actual driving.  AW

  • Accepted friend request.  The team at PBoro are EXCEPTIONAL.  The LINAC machines (3 of them) are all state of the art, where you get a CT scan before every dose. 
    The parking situation is easy and free.  The wellness centre (specifically aimed at cancer patients) is brilliant (free tea coffee and biscuits served to you whilst you sit in a comfy seat.  Not intrusive at all, but advice if you need it). AW