Not sure…

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Not sure…feeling overloaded and brittle with too many things..

Had to go for emergency dental treatment over a couple of days last week and have two teeth removed, one a badly infected molar. It took about an hour and a half of injections, yanking, cutting, scraping and about ten stitches. So I had to postpone my first RT Planning session to yesterday but grateful it’s been finally done.

Got through the RT planning okay (no enema) but had gas in my bowel which I had to get rid of before they could measure me accurately. I was given extra water and moved from one theatre to another with one technician leaving for lunch midway through!? It all felt a bit chaotic and rushed and I’m praying that they got my tattoos in the right place!
At the end, the technician thrust a sheet of Radiotherapy appointments into my hand and showed me the door. He was in a rush so I didn’t argue.

I know I’m lucky with twenty sessions only and others are less fortunate but all the same when I tried to query the times of these appointments with every day different and many in the evening, he just brushed me off with ‘tell them at your first session’ and then the door.This annoyed me as I’d explained to the technician at the previous appointment about my exhaustion in the afternoon/evenings due to my fibromyalgia and had specifically asked for earlier times and as far as possible a similar/same time every day. 

Was anyone else given a different time every day for their appointments schedule for Radiotherapy? How did you react? 

Radiotherapy starts next week. 

  • Hello Longtom, my 6 weeks R. T. ended in December 2021 and yes I was given a different time each day. My next appt. was given each day. It could be 8.30am up to 4.30pm and all in between. I had to ring the unit 1 hour before to see if they were running on time so the enema and water were timed as it was a 40.mile round trip. I just accepted the times as the unit was always very busy. The worst bit was trying to find a parking space in the hospital.

                   Hope all goes well when you start next week and you are feeling better after your dental work. 

                   Best wishes, Graham. 

  • Hello  

    I am so sorry to read of your issues, it looks like you have come upon the odd "jobsworth" who can't be bothered.

    My RT was completed over 12 months ago and I received my timetable at the planning scan. 15 of the appointments were in the late afternoon/evening and 5 during the day. During my visits the future appointments were moved by up to 2 hours.

    My suggestions to you are:

    * Telephone the Radiotherapy department at the hospital and advise them of your medical issues with afternoon / evening appointments and ask to be re-scheduled to mornings.

    * If this doesn't work contact your hospital PALS office (Patient Advisory and Liaison Service) tell them of your issues and as they are medical can they resolve your problem.

    I hope this helps - keep us posted.

    best wishes- Brian.

    Community Champion badge

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  • Hi Longtom

    I asked for the first appointment of the day if possible and they agreed so stayed like that for the 4 weeks.

    I suppose it does depend on how busy they are and let's face it because of COVID, strikes etc, they are probably a bit flooded with appointments at the moment.

    I would ask again though, perhaps when u go for your first appointment ask if u can go first thing every day.

    Best wishes


  • Hi Longtom, looks like you have met the only radiographer i have heard off who has been anything but the usual kind caring and helpful we all know. Like you i had other health issues to work around and they  gave me the times i needed, I'm sure if you talk to a different technician you will be helped. Gas in your bowel eat a banana a day should help, take care. 


  • I guess I was lucky. Nearly every appointment was between ten minutes to, and ten minutes past, 10 o’clock in the morning. I totally agree with eddiel: that radiographer is a rare beast indeed: every single one I encountered was so kind, caring and helpful.  If you politely explain your predicament about timings, I’m sure the admin office staff will adjust them accordingly.   AW

  • My appointments were around my travel time.  As the hospital was 3 hours away from me we stayed at a cancer self help centre in a lovely log cabin - Breakfast and dinner and if you wanted a packed lunch included.  We travelled to and from there on Monday morning and Friday afternoon so appointments were a little later on Mondays and earlier on Fridays.  The only problems I had were when a couple of times the RT machine I had been on was out of order so had to be slotted in between patients on another RT machine.

    Am sure if you contact the Hospital radiotherapy department they will sort things out for you.

  • Longtom, sorry you have had a bad start to your RT.  Firstly, don’t worry about the tattoos, they are used only to visually line you up on the sun bed but you will be scanned and adjusted each day more accurately.  I found the staff who carried out the RT extremely helpful so suggest you chat at your first session and explain your difficulties.  As BoroG mentioned, the hardest part is usually getting parked!  Good luck with your sessions and try not to worry, at the end of 4 weeks you will be ‘the expert’ helping newbies who have all the same worries that you have now,  Best wishes. David 

  • Thanks Grundo.  Good advice.

    I shall definitely ask (just off the phone) or maybe beg the radiographer nicely when I start on Wednesday. Fingers crossed. 

    As you say: ‘low may it continue’

    Hope you’re keeping as well as you can. 


  • Hi BoroG,

    Can’t express how much it means to get your feedback. I take strength from you. Thank you.

    And am wishing you good health too.



  • Hi Millibob,

    Thank you for your kind reply. You’re a rock and always so helpful.

     I telephoned the Radiotherapy Dept. at the hospital just now. The booking assistant told me I would have to speak to the Radiographer on the first day and that he or she might be able to help but it didn’t sound too convincing. We’ll see. I’ll try not to get my nickers in a twist over it because tbh I have limited energy levels at the moment. ie. am shattered.

    I get very very tired particularly in the afternoon/eve and that’s one of the reasons but also I wanted to get into a rhythm with diet etc..

    This is London and the hospital is very very busy and of course understaffed. So mucho patience is required?

    ps I have been trying to walk a certain distance every day for exercise so that’s good.

    all the best to you Brian.
