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  • 112 subscribers


I was diagnosed with pc back in 2020 (Gleason 9 4+5) T2 mo no and have been on zoladex 3 monthly jabs ever since. My PSA ATM is staying nice and low, but I feel such a fraud as most of the time I feel fine apart from crying at the drop of a hat! People ask me how I am and I say fine, I don't think they realise pc doesn't show! What do others think about it?

  • Bas
  • Hello  A warm welcome to the club you didn't want to join.

    Just looked at your profile before posting - Gleason 9 T2 M0N0 and a Low initial PSA - HT for life looks harsh - is there any reason why you are on it for life?

    I am the same as you - 2 years down though 1 to go on HT. People ask me "how are you - you look well". To be honest I feel great and as I am on a "curative pathway" all is well with me - I've put on a bit of "timber" but put that down to the HT. I can cry for England but a small price to pay, that along with ED when others a much worse off.

    Cancer is a strange thing - it's a bond between people who have it and their family - anyone outside that circle just doesn't "get it". I put my wellbeing down to 50% listening to my team and doing what they say - and 50% attitude - I am going to beat this bast*rd.

    Don't feel a fraud - you have cancer and are dealing with it - we all do - in our own way. From what you are saying all is well in the Bas world - let's keep it that way.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Thanks for your reply Brian. I've got a phone appointment with my consultant in March, so will try to remember to ask him why I need to be on Zoladex jabs for life, amongst other questions! Keep up the good work and best wishes.


  • I’m the same decapeptyl for life.  Fatigue emotions etc. the for life is because there is no cure

  • “How are you? You look really well” is a pet irritation of mine. I know I look well, I always do, but how I’m feeling can change by the minute. I’ve now developed a standard response of “I’m doing OK thanks”. This tells people that while looks can be deceiving, I’m generally “OK” without saying I’m really well. And it feels a bit more of a considered response than “Fine”. 

    I know it’s a very small thing but hearing this on an almost daily basis does wear you down. 

    thanks for all you do, Brian. 

  • Hi Bas I get the same comments with my RA,oh you look fine,now I’ve got a pal to go along side it PC ,there’s plenty off help on here m8 and as I’m newly diagnosed in January I’ve found it a great comfort,keep smiling