
  • 10 replies
  • 114 subscribers

Afternoon all. I was diagnosed with early PC in December, I am only Gleason 6 but due to previous cancer and fathers history of PC im on active surveillance. Over the last few weeks when I walk my dog within 5 mins im sweating like crazy, ive even gone out without a coat but that makes no difference. i get the occasional sweat at night but the issue is when im out walking. Is this common for everyone?  

  • Hello   That's a good one. Us poor souls on Hormone therapy get the sweats as a side effect (Thanks NHS).  I think there is another cause other than the Prostate Cancer causing these. Honest opinion - have a word with your G P.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Any clues Brian, I sweat profusely dripping and running everywhere, day, night; indiscriminate.

    Also, I started off well with my weight but, after nine months I have gone from 34” waist to 38” despite trying to be cautious with what I eat. Do you know whether all of this subsides when the HT ceases?


  • Hi Dave,

    when I got first diagnosed, that’s one of the symptoms I had, don’t get me wrong I used to sweat , however this was different I was sweating buckets at work . So your not alone ThumbsupThumbsup

    best wishes Tony

  • Hello   Kev - Hot sweats are a side effect of Hormone Therapy - I was a good 6 months in before I started and had to take a towel to bed, it was that bad. Not everyone gets them and they vary from one person to another. I found that a daily Sage Tablet cured my sweats - although it took a couple of weeks to kick in and it doesn't work for everyone. I use Holland and Barrett's "Menoforce" - they are a tad dear but they work for me.

    As for the weight - it took 15 months for that to start building up and like you I have gained 4" (nearly  6") on my waist measurements - and I am eating and drinking less - I try and get 8 - 10K in steps most days too.

    My GP and diabetic nurse are both confident that it's the HT that's doing it and have both said - don't let it worry you and spoil your quality of life  - it will come off when HT stops BUT you will still have to work on it.

    I am 26 months into 36 months of Hormone Therapy (I am a Gleason 9 and T3a) but this cancer has picked the wrong person for a fight - I will get back to normal when my HT is over.

    I hope this helps - Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Thanks Brian

    it helps a lot


  • Do you know whether all of this subsides when the HT ceases?

    Hi  , yes it does, but not quickly or easily. I went up to 86kg when on HT for three years and waist size 38". My last Prostap injection was in June 2021 and now I am down to just under 79kg and waist size 36". It has taken quite a lot of work to get there and I walk at least 30 miles every week, swim a mile twice a week and go coastal rowing as often as the wind and tides allow. 

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
    (See my profile for more)
  • Hi Dave2024.

    As you are on Active Surveillance then the excessive sweating with light exercise is more likely to be from an underlying cause. Stress can be a trigger and you have been through this with your recent journey in getting diagnosed with cancer. You may not think you are stressed but your body could be telling you differently. There could also be underlying causes which come on as you get older and these can be checked out by your doctor with blood tests, specifically to check your thyroid and blood sugar. Hope you get sorted soon.

  • Hi Dave 2024

    I used to sweat profusely before I knew about my PC, how often do they do a PSA test on you ? Being a very low Gleason 6 time is on your side, personally there’s a number of people on here who have had there’s removed, I would ask about the pros and cons of having that done or some type of treatment.

    Stay safe


  • Hi Joe, im having psa done in a few weeks (every 3 months) first one since diagnosed. also having another biopsy done in june. My old man was diagnosed with early PC when he was 60 (im 58) it went from hardly anything to crazy in just a few months, he didn’t make 62. so because of that and because I had bladder cancer 7 years ago they are monitoring me closely. im still loosing weight, and totally nackered all the time, also finding bladder pain is getting worse. Ive had arthritis since the age of 14 so im used to both pain and stress so trying to stay positive. Its so good to read other peoples storeys as if it does hit the fan im in a good position to make a swift decision on which way I want to go.  

  • Hi Dave

    We all try and stay positive, knowing how it can affect bothers in our lives, like you I have various other ailments, the worst I suppose is type 3 diabetes but that’s just one of many.

    Stay safe
