Food supplements whilst on HT

  • 16 replies
  • 112 subscribers

I have just started my HT (Bicalutamide) on a six-month course; RT in three months time.

I usually take daily doses of Vit D, zinc and cod liver oil. Though I haven't been prescribed it, I know that calcium is often taken, and perhaps Vit C. I have also heard that increase in protein (macronutrients) is sometimes advised, though to cut back on carbs. I eat generous amounts of fruit and (steamed) veg (love them!), though not a big salad fan. What about sage tea (never heard of it until I saw it on one of the forums) and turmeric?

Obviously, I want to stay as healthy and strong as possible (I've made a vow to walk daily, come hail or shine) as the treatment kicks in, and I know I might get excess belly fat, so any other advice on supplements would be so appreciated. 

Thanks so much,


  • I also take these supplements including calcium vitamin C and vitamin A. I’ve been on ht for about 4 years and I also walk with my dog usually twice a day. Eat as healthy as I can home cooking with lots of fruits and veggies. I try to do push ups every day as well they are great for your core. 

    Be well stay safe 

  • Hi David, welcome to the forum, i have always eaten healthily, dur to other health issues, like you lots of fruit and steamed or raw veg plus salads, fish and fibre. I put more emphasis on fitness, walking the dog, exercise groups 3 times a week and my allotment. As all my fruit and veg is fresh i never needed supplements and blood tests every 3 weeks confirmed this, Sage tea is used to stop you having hot flushes. Best wishes with your treatment.


  • Thanks, Finn finn, for your helpful response. You validate what I'm now thinking (though I think I'm now too long in the tooth for push-ups!).

    Best wishes. 

  • Very helpful, Eddie. Thank you. And thanks for the info on sage tea. Do you think this should be taken before potential hot flushes start, as a prophylactic, or once they occur?

  • Hello David

    when you get to the radiotherapy you might be advised to have a low fibre diet which will mean cutting down on the fruit and veg. My husband had to do this due to bloating during the RT. He slowly introduced the fibre but even now, 11 months later, he finds that lettuce causes pain. 

    he really has put on a lot of excess flab around his middle! I am wondering if anyone has hints and tips for getting rid of it?

    he does take calcium and vitamin supplements. The oncologist says it wasn’t necessary but I buy them from a local pharmacist as others on here have said they are necessary.

  • Hi David i should have mentioned i was only 57 and because of other health issues as well as bloods very 3 weeks i have a full physical check up twice a year so i know what works for me and what to avoid and though my cancer is terminal, my heart comes first.. Not everyone gets hot flushes and i don't remember anyone saying they took sage tea before symptoms so maybe a good idea, can't do any harm.


  • Grateful thanks. Looks like the calcium might be a useful supplement in any case. I'll make the most of high fibre while I can, and thanks for this warning!

    Best wishes. 

  • I think I agree, Eddie, about the sage tea. I guess it can't do any harm.

    All the best.

  • Hello David   A warm welcome to the Online Prostate Community

    I take Sage tablets as I had some horrible hot flushes about 4 months in and these have cured me of them and all is good 2 years into a 3 year hormone Therapy journey.

    It's a good idea to mention any "extras" you are on next time you see your G P just to ensure there are no medication clashes.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • Just make sure you tell your doctors what supplements you are taking.