Holiday advice pleas

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  • 114 subscribers

My husband was diagnosed with a Gleason 9 4 +5 T3 NO MO, PSA  7.9 initially May 2023 now down to 1 he is having hormone injections has commenced Abiraterone for 2.5 years and is starting 21 sessions of radiotherapy to finish March 8 th 2024

We would like to go on a trip to Tenerife in April / May and I’m wondering is it possible to get a reasonable holiday insurance cover for him and which firms would you recommend , People have told me that the insurance will cost more than the holiday? is that true? So grateful for any advice.He is doing so well on his journey no side effects with any treatments apart from all the appointments we have normality and life is good  my advice to anyone on this journey is surround yourself with positive people and each day is a gift thank you

  • Hello JEP and welcome back, good to hear things are going well, the only one i can recommend is Insurancewith, set up by a lady with serious health issues who got fed up being ripped off. I know there are many guys on here with recent holiday travel who will along soon to share what they know, take care.


  • Hello   A holiday is just what you need. There are lots of insurance companies and we have a special forum for these. The link is below:

    Travel insurance forum for cancer patients 

    We have a place in Turkey and it's on the Asian side so we have a joint world policy which covers us both (Mrs Millibob has a few issues - medical ones!!) and I have almost the same diagnosis as your husband.  All the insurance companies use the same algorithm when you fill out the form online, so it's best to ignore the form and speak to a human. That way you know you have told them everything.

    You need to wait until he's completed his Radiotherapy before you get a quote. We paid around £780 which is reasonable with Insurancewith having been quoted over £ 2000 by other Companies.

    You are so right about being positive - I can't fault that sentiment.

    Enjoy the holiday Sunglasses.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hello we have just taken out a policy with insure and go and it was £2,600 for an annual policy for Europe only and includes cover for cruising. This company and all clear were the only 2 I could find who would cover us. Husband had just finished chemo and had no scans since diagnosis so maybe this was why it was so expensive. Good luck 

  • Hi Jep,nice to hear your doing fine,I also made enquiries about insurance re; Tenerife in early spring.

    The holiday costs £ 800 each for my wife and I,then I got the insurance quote £700 the lowest and £913 the highest,we both went into shock,that's more than the cost of the holiday.

    I told my McMillan nurse who was also gob smacked,she is now trying to find a cheaper company.

    I sincerely hope this hasn't put you off your much needed holiday,we,my wife and I are still contemplating the astronomical cost but we will get round it.

    Good luck Mike

  • -Hello JEP, we pay for travel insurance with out bank. It’s annual, worldwide and also covers car break down, cruise and Covid cover.. They refused point blank to give cover until the radiotherapy was complete at the beginning of March 2023 . As soon as it was finished I range and they reinstated the cover -£12 .50 per month. They have just increased the premium to £14 something per month. 

    a note of caution - our oncologist advised us not to travel abroad for 6-8 weeks after completing the RT as complications can still happen ( eg urinary retention) in that time. We went away at the end of May. We had an excellent time but my husband was still very tired and in somewhat of a brain fog. I constantly had to be on the alert for him!

    that said, after all the trauma of diagnosis and treatment it was the best holiday ever and we came back feeling heaps better psychologically - only to develop covid the next day after we got home!!!!

    I am not sure if I am allowed to say the underwriters here.? Suffice it to say the bank begins with Ba and the underwriter begins with Av - both well known brands! Disappearing now in case I get my fingers rapped:)

    hope you enjoy your holiday -

  • Hi  

    My understanding is that as long as it's a service that you personally have used and are happy to recommend then it's not an issue. 

    Your fingers are safe for now - that reminds me are you ok typing now - I know you had some issues in that department in the past?

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hi Jep. 
    My partner had RT in July last year and he then went to Spain in October. Because he had been “treated” his Insurance was as normal. ( It was only for 4 days) his consultant gave him a cover note stating that he had received treatment. I’ll check the details tomorrow .

  • Hello Brian - thank you! The pain and tingling in my hands was diagnosed as ‘carpal tunnel syndrome’ by a physio over the telephone. I was not permitted a f2f consultation. I was given exercises to do which made the pain worse and from my hand up to my shoulder. I was given another telephone consultation and the physio said I would receive different exercises to do. I received exactly the same exercises! By the time I was in excruciating pain and had lost considerable movement in my arm and shoulder I insisted on seeing a physio or doctor f2f. I was diagnosed with a rotator cuff injury and given a different set of exercises. These did help a bit but it seemed to me that I felt much more pain on cold days!

    anyway, on our first day on holiday I went for a swim in the ships cold pool. I can only do breast stroke and could not swim because my shoulder was too painful. I then went for a paddle in the beautifully warm Caribbean and could move my arm somewhat better! I stopped doing the exercises and enjoyed more floating/ paddling and over the course of the fortnight my shoulder/ arm got better and better/ I still can’t quite extend my arm as much as before but the improvement is so good that I think the NHS should pay for me to spend more time on a cruise in a warm climate!!!!!!!!! 

    I am wondering whether a break from the key board has contributed and am concerned the pain might return. I have another telephone physio consultation in a couple of weeks. To be quite honest, I don’t have much faith in these remote consultations. 

  • I agree that the nhs should pay for our cruises in fact I might invoice them for our next one!!!!

  • I think the heat and warm weather helps - I always notice when we go to Turkey I find after a few days in the sun I feel easier with walking and movement in general.

    Thanks for the update -I do hope you get somewhere with it - keep pushing to see someone face to face.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.