
  • 2 replies
  • 109 subscribers

Hi everyone and thanks for making this such a great and useful resource. 
I had my Radical prostatectomy (open) in February last year. Also had 37 sessions of RT in late 2023, due to rising PSA and presence of Ductal Adeno Carcinoma. 
Towards the end of last year I started to get a pain in my leg if I walked over about 5k. This has steadily got worse and I’m down to about 2k before the pain starts. After consulting Dr. Google, I found that these symptoms might indicate a Lymphocele (where lymphatic fluid is leaking into the abdominal cavity - often as a result of pelvic surgery). I went to my gp who confirmed a previous MRI scan had identified this. 
I’m now waiting to see what happens next. From what I’ve read and heard, these don’t heal themselves, so some sort of intervention is usually necessary. 
Has anyone else on here had one of these, and what was the outcome?

Many thanks in advance. 

  • Hello Paul

    As far as I am aware this issue is resolved by corrective surgery - a friend had this issue and from memory there was some type of surgery to drain it. I am sure someone who has "been there - done that" will be along to confirm.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • Thanks Brian. Good advice, as usual. We’re lucky to have you here. 
    Yes - if anyone’s got the T-shirt, I’d be glad to hear from you.