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  • 111 subscribers

So…. This time last year we were still reeling with my husband’s diagnosis, getting used to his ht and scared silly about radiotherapy due to start in February. Then, on Christmas morning I found a breast lump but did not want to spoil everybody’s Christmas by saying anything. It was a grim time!

Roll forward to yesterday! Breast lump benign! Radiotherapy a distant memory ( well, sort of!) PSA well down! A wonderful day yesterday with our daughter and grandchildren and visiting another daughter today. The sun is shining!

there will be troubles ahead cos life never runs smoothly 100% of the time but, right now, ‘all is calm and all is bright’!

I hope that you all are sailing in calmer waters right now but, for those who are troubled, please remember that our troubles can and do pass and things can and do look brighter in time

happy Boxing Day:) 

  • Hello Worriedwife i am so happy you are are both in a good place, like you this time last year was not a good time. I was waiting for RT and a TURP and asking myself at one point, is it worth it, as i felt really well physically, Anyway 50 trips to the hospital, 6 operations, 44 scans 20 visits for RT and my heart only stopping twice, Absolutely it was worth it. Today i feel good, emotionally sensitive and tearful at times, but i like that, I like the new me I did a speech on PCa Sun 17th, 200 guests, never been so nervous, found out today, not only that it raised quite a sum for cancer charities, but, up to today 5 of the guests have had a PSA test, so well worth it. Friday, I went to a funeral in the morning, a friend from the community, from the LWIC forum, never met her in person, but learnt from mutual friends how very similar our lives were, and a local girl, cried pretty much all the way through. but was so glad i went Then later that day one of my "nieces" got married. I don't think i have told anyone on here this before but  i lost one of my brothers and his wife just over 30 years ago and their kids came to live with me, the youngest was 4 the girls 6 and 7,so since that day they have been the most important thing in my life, so to see her getting married to a wonderful lad made me the happiest man in England, still cried all the way through the ceremony, and was told on Christmas day to expect a new member to the family in June. take care, Eddie

  • Eddie, what a wonderful inspiring story. You have definitely been through the mill and I hope that 2024 is a little less traumatic for you. Have a good holiday down under and come back fighting fit.

  • Hello Eddie, thank you! What a wonderful, caring, lovely man you sound! But …what a switch back of emotions  in so few days - anxiety (speech), sadness (funeral) happiness ( wedding) to end a pretty gruelling year! I wish you and your family every happiness and good health in 2024 :) xxx

  • Eddie what a story, some parts very sad some happy. The good thing is you have come through this and are such a lovely caring man from what you have written 

  • Well you don't do things by halves do you? Very inspiring story and it shows with the correct mind set you can really make your mark on society and not just roll over and give up!

    Let's hope 2024 is a great year for you and your family and thank you for your contributions to the Community this year, not only on this forum but on various other forums too.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • That is lovely please may I ask what is LWIC?

  •  LWIC - Living With Incurable Cancer

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Thank you so much, strangely i quite enjoyed a lot of last year, more so later on, getting fit again and being able to get out more to see friends really helped as did all the new friends i have made, Aus has had to be put back, but is still on. take care, Eddie

  • Worriedwife, I'm just a guy trying to give a little back, but thank you for the good wishes and hope you hace a wonderful 2024, take care, Eddie

  • Thank you Shar, looks like we have both had a difficult year, all the best for the new year, Eddie