
  • 21 replies
  • 111 subscribers

So…. This time last year we were still reeling with my husband’s diagnosis, getting used to his ht and scared silly about radiotherapy due to start in February. Then, on Christmas morning I found a breast lump but did not want to spoil everybody’s Christmas by saying anything. It was a grim time!

Roll forward to yesterday! Breast lump benign! Radiotherapy a distant memory ( well, sort of!) PSA well down! A wonderful day yesterday with our daughter and grandchildren and visiting another daughter today. The sun is shining!

there will be troubles ahead cos life never runs smoothly 100% of the time but, right now, ‘all is calm and all is bright’!

I hope that you all are sailing in calmer waters right now but, for those who are troubled, please remember that our troubles can and do pass and things can and do look brighter in time

happy Boxing Day:) 

  • Hello   We've been through so much together in the last 12 months but your post is magic to my ears!

    If I may use your words:

    life never runs smoothly 100% of the time but, right now, ‘all is calm and all is bright’!

    that sums up life today at Millibob Towers.

    Happy Boxing Day to you, your family and the rest of the Community.

    Brian. Sunglasses.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • A very good morning and a happy Boxing Day to you and your family. I read your post out to my husband who burst into tears and told me to say how true your words are. In 2020 we were in the pit of despair with a non curative diagnosis. He is sitting here now saying he is feeling the best he has felt since initial diagnosis, just very emotional because we have had another lovely Christmas together that we never expected to have. He is determined to fight the monster inside him and enjoy life to the full within the limitations that the therapy imposes and always hope that a cure comes soon.

    Keep positive everyone as there is light at the end of the tunnel for most people.

  • Thank you for your lovely reply :) although I am so sorry it made your husband cry - that was not my intention! However, I appreciate the act that he has had to struggle through some very dark times. It is brilliant that he is feeling so good and testament to both modern medical care and the steadfast support of a loving wife! 

    I hope you’ve both had wa lovely Christmas and wish you all the best for 2024 xxx

  • It's tears of joy WW and happening frequently at the moment - in the supermarket, when out for a coffee or lunch, with friends, just sitting in the chair- anywhere and he just gets an overwhelming sense of joy and wellbeing but also insecurity.

    We are having a lovely time, having a rest now until New Year's Eve which is being spent with our adopted family. We have no family of our own but have been adopted by a family that we have known for 25 years - the children call us yaya and papoose (gran and grandad) and it is getting more and more expensive as they are getting older!!!!

    Look after each other and keep making the notes for your book. Hopefully your 2024 will be a lot calmer than 2023.

  • What a fabulous, positive review of your year!! For half of that time (whilst I’ve been a member of this happy bunch) I’ve seen you advise so many members on here, so we are all so grateful to you, too!  AW

  • I would like to share a picture I took January 1st this year when I started my "Walk a marathon for PCUK" fundraising. I think it mirrors the title of this thread rather well. I actually managed a triple marathon in that month and set a target of 1000km for the year. That seemed like a "walk too far" at the time but last week I passed the 2000km threshold, so anything is possible.

    Good luck to everyone in 2024 and enjoy your Hogmanay celebrations wherever you are.

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
    (See my profile for more)
  • Well …. talking of tears of joy! My granddaughter reduced me to this on Christmas Day! She is 14 and is very creative. She made a lovely t light holder and gave it to me for Christmas. The thought that she had done this for me made me well up!

    we have our family coming on New Year’s Day so will also be busy!

    I wish everyone here a happy new year!


  • Reading all your replies has made me so thankful that Santa bought me some waterproof mascara. Together we can get through this xx

  • Just bought some this afternoon! First time since pre covid!