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So…. This time last year we were still reeling with my husband’s diagnosis, getting used to his ht and scared silly about radiotherapy due to start in February. Then, on Christmas morning I found a breast lump but did not want to spoil everybody’s Christmas by saying anything. It was a grim time!

Roll forward to yesterday! Breast lump benign! Radiotherapy a distant memory ( well, sort of!) PSA well down! A wonderful day yesterday with our daughter and grandchildren and visiting another daughter today. The sun is shining!

there will be troubles ahead cos life never runs smoothly 100% of the time but, right now, ‘all is calm and all is bright’!

I hope that you all are sailing in calmer waters right now but, for those who are troubled, please remember that our troubles can and do pass and things can and do look brighter in time

happy Boxing Day:)