Surgery + 5

  • 4 replies
  • 111 subscribers

Hi all, I posted last week saying that I was having robotic prostectomy last Saturday. Well at 08:00 I was in the anesthetic room & the next thing I know I’m in recovery. The pain due to the CO2 that’s used was unreal. A nice nurse held my hand & kept giving me morphine. Later in the night the CO2 kept moving around my abdomen & got onto my ribs/lungs, the pain was unreal & I couldn’t breathe. I’d the symptoms of a heart attack & the early hours had an ECG. It was the CO2. It eased off a bit day 2. The next problem was feeling sick & constipation. The CO2 gets absorbed into the digestive tract & also with the proximity of the bowel it wasn’t functioning & morphine constipates. CT & X-rays to make sure it’s the CO2. Suppositories. Day 4 = wind & toilet visits, another suppository, more bowel movements. Felt like eating again. Finally at night discharge. Day 5 at home, constipation issues now resolved. Catheter use is ok thanks to my wife. A bit of CO2 still lurking but ok. At prostate school it was a bit underplayed .

Anyway that’s my story so far.

  • Hello  

    Wow - Some story - you missed your vocation - you should have been on the stage!!

    Thanks very much for the update and I am so pleased that by Day 5 all is well. I do hope the recovery continues and that there are no further issues once the pesky catheter comes out.

    I look forward to reading the next installment!! Please do keep us informed of your progress.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • Wow Tom that was tough and I think most unusual. I have not seen any reports like that.

    I had my RP like you at 08.00, I was eating a sandwich in the afternoon or evening, then breakfast, then lunch and then I missed my tea as I was discharged. I had no pain, just a bit of discomfort and that was primarily due to the catheter. Had that out 7 days later and from then on no discomfort. Looks like I missed out on having my hand held by a pretty nurse though but still on the plus side I had my pretty wife their to hold my hand throughout my journey. I was fortunate and lucky.

  • He explained he’d needed to use extra CO2, can’t remember why. 

  • Sorry to hear you had such a bad experience.  My husband had his last Thursday and never got the shoulder pain he’d been warned about.  Out the next day as he was afternoon surgery.

    Hope now the gas has dissipated you can feel a lot more comfortable and get on with recovery.