Urinary incontinance

  • 3 replies
  • 110 subscribers


I’m presently having hormone therapy after finishing my RT at the end of July 23. The RT was to target a lymph node which had a metastasis after my prostate was removed in July 22.

Here’s the thing. Since the surgery, I’ve had three or four episodes of nocturnal incontinence (not many!). But so as not to take any chances, I’m having to wear pull-ups EVERY night. My questions are:

Is my condition related to the surgery/RT/HT or combination?

Will this improve after HT finishes?

Has anyone had similar experiences?



  • Hello Barry - That's a good question. I can't fully answer you as I have still got my Prostate but have been on the HT/RT for 23 months. Yes I am up 2/3 times a night but I wake up, go to the toilet and back to bed!.

    As I have not had any incontinence and have been on both HT/RT and had a TURP operation - I would lay the problem with surgery. I am aware RT can cause issues like that but they are not too common.

    I think in all honesty it's a good question for your consultant - keep us posted as to how you get on - it's useful information.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • Hello Barry.

    My husband went through a short period of night time incontinence after radiotherapy and then again after chemotherapy which really upset him. The problem is that there is no easy answer to your question as it can depend on how much nerve damage you may have had during your initial surgery and then whether there was any collateral damage from the RT to the lymph nodes. Also urinary problems can develop a long time after surgery or radiotherapy. As Brian says run it past your consultant but in the meantime do your pelvic floor exercises as this will help to strengthen the sphincters. My husband's main problem was that he was unaware of leaking until he woke up so, like you, resorted to wearing pull-ups. He is now sufficiently back in control that he only needs a Tena level 2 at night and nothing during the day unless we are going out when he wears one for safety. Have a word with your doctor as they may refer you to a continence clinic who can teach you other techniques to train your bladder but also to try and identify if there is a trigger for the occasional night time incontinence in the first place.

    Please come back and let us know if the experts can give you an explanation.

  • Hi Barry,

    For those who need radiation after prostatectomy,  incontinence can be an issue. As a general rule, those that become fully continent after surgery, stay continent after salvage radiation.  Those that do not become fully continent after surgery are likely to have the situation worsen after salvage radiation. 

    Those that require adjuvant(planned) radiation after surgery are usually advised to wait until continence has returned as this has better long term results as far as continence is concerned. 

    So a shorter answer is yes, salvage radiation often does make incontinence worse. I have not heard of HT having an effect on continence. 

    There is much information out there on strategies to improve your continence.  Kegel exercises are known to help. Also limit liquids several hours before bedtime.  There are other solutions if the problems remain. Certainly talk to you doctor about this.