PSA continues to rise

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  • 110 subscribers

My Husband 49 was diagnosed with stage 4 advanced prostate cancer with spread to lymph nodes and various bones he was on degralex for 2and half years and basically it was no longer effective and Bicalutamide was started this hasn’t stopped PSA rising Chemo and radiotherapy where never offered however urologist consultant has mentioned palliative radiotherapy for pain is an option if needed and he will speak to oncologist about other treatments next appointment 3 months next PSA blood test 3 months my concerns are that a lot can happen in 3 months and it could continue to rise is there anyone else on a similar journey I worry that this is the start iof decline 

  • Hi Maria Susan 68

    Welcome to our community, here I hope you will get some answers.

    First very surprised he was not offered chemo and radiotherapy therapy earlier, being a stage four myself, I’ve been through chemo and radiotherapy plus hormone injections. My PSA is rising to up to 18 now, not as bad as 893 when I was diagnosed. I’m on enzalutamide which may be running it’s course.

    My team or the top doctor have said I have a few options chemo again, radiotherapy, or radium 223, plus possibly a trial, but I’m not poorly enough to be on one yet.

    What I’m trying to say is there’s a number of treatments out there, just wondering why he has not been offered one of them, if there’s a Maggies centre near you, or a McMillan centre in the hospital, I would chat with them, keeping in mind you want to ask the on oncologist about what I’ve mentioned.

    Im no doctor, they might have seen something, doctors strikes are throwing everything into disarray, I’ve had appointments cancelled, but there’s nothing I can do.

    Hope you get some satisfaction when you see his team again.

    Stay safe
