A new day

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If you wake up today feeling out of sorts, anxious, angry, sad, tearful, tired etc just remember that tomorrow is a new day and hopefully you will feel better. Yesterday I felt down for no apparent reason, nothing had changed and I just couldn't motivate myself to do anything. Today? I feel a different person and really to conquer the world and kick this cancer into a big hole where it deserves to be.  

  • Good on you!  May we all have more better days than bad ones.   Onwards & upwards!

  • Shar - Never a truer set of words said. It's a journey for us all I have "been there done that" and the day after a bad day I just wonder what the previous day was about!!

     Onwards & upwards!

    Can't say more than that!!


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    Say no more:

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
    (See my profile for more)
  • There must have been something in the air yesterday. Hubby woke up and burst into tears  All the old insecurities and fears surfaced and he was feeling very low all day. He has been having hip pain and I managed to get a session with his osteopath/physiotherapist who lives 150m away. On the way there he got a puncture in his mobility scooter so I got a panic phone call to bring the pump. Managed to get him to the physio then went back to fix the scooter. Did my back in manouvering it the wrong way so it's me off to physio now. More panic then as he cannot cope with me having problems. Suddenly more floods of tears as he was not going to be able to go out because Daisy (mobilty scooter) was going to be out of action for a few days. How were we going to get down to the village for our Sunday morning coffee with friends? Everything was too much to cope with. Was it worth it.

    Today is another day. Woke up full of the joys of Spring. We had to go to the chemists in the next village so I suggested we had lunch out in a favourite taverna. It sits on a headland overlooking the sea. Had a lovely time. New wheel for scooter is being delivered on Monday. Tomorrow we can take the car to the village and he can use Rosie (his snazzy red walker) to get from the car park to the cafe. All is well with the world -except for my back.

    Just take each day as it comes. Make the best of good days. Forget the bad.

  • Hi Shar,

    it’s amazing what a new morning can bring,

    My low days have been the most  challenging of my life, however get through them and today is better, I truly believe that, even thou   I know it sounds ick . We all deal with feelings good or bad the best we can.


  • Bless you. We started yesterday feeling more positive than we have for weeks. Hubby had less frequent visits to the toilet the night before. Then I made the mistake of telling him that I'd been substitutung his usual first drink of tea with decaf for a few days. He claimed that he needs some caffeine  He's been drinking decaf for the rest of the day for 6 weeks with no detrimental effect.

    Yesterday he asked me to get a few bits from supermarket so off I went.

    A couple of hours after I'd got back and parked on the drive, the car alarm started to go off and nothing I tried would stop it. I couldn't get into the car because the key fobs didn't work. Eventually the alarm stopped but we still couldn't get in so we used the manual key to get into the passenger side and this allowed us to open drivers door from inside. Then we locked it with the key and discovered that the drivers door wasn't locked  the lights were still on and the dashboard looked like Blackpool illuminations  and the car wouldn't start.

    The car is 2 year's old and comes with assistance, so the next step was to ring them. They sent a text with a link to report it online so I had to write everything down and submit it. The result of this was to be given an estimated arrival time of 1:20 am. This was followed up by a phone call from RAC who I had to repeat everything to again. I told them that my husband is recovering from major cancer surgeon and we can't be waiting up until the early hours on the off chance that someone will turn. Made no difference as they were too busy. This was just before 6pm and for the next 4 hours we received half a dozen different time slots the easiest being 17:58 and the latest 2:40 in the morning. After spending all night glued to the phone we got a call saying they couldn't get to us and they offered a time slot for this morning.

    Thankfully someone turned up and he got the car started and the doors opening and closing  but he had no idea what had caused it because no faults was showing.

    Today my husband is complaining that he's tired because he had more visits to the toilet last night. I informed him that I'd been up and down all night and it was probably the stress of having an unlocked car on the drive all night. He accepted that but said that doesn't explain why he's having to go to the toilet so much today. That is easily explained I said. For the first time in days I gave you your normal tea first thing. 

    Sorry for the novel but I felt the need to share with someone else who is clearly looking after their man.

  • GR1 It's good to share. I wonder how many wives/partners/friends have found that they have had to take on many of the tasks which their loved ones would normally have taken in their stride but, because of the effects of the PCa treatment, they can no longer do it. We have found that from somewhere an inner strength comes allowing us to deal with what is thrown at us. At times I have found it exhausting and overwhelming. Then I see the smile on my loved one's face and off we go again facing the next crisis because if we don't sort it out no one else will.

    The backache has been really bad today but I have managed to get an appointment with a young Greek god for physiotherapy tomorrow who will hopefully give me a good going over -I can but dream, and yes he works on  Sunday! I thought I would try and have a swim in our pool this morning to try and ease it. The only problem was I couldn't get out again so needed a bum lift to help me out, most undignified but hilarious as I normally have to give my husband a bum lift out of the pool. At least we both managed to get out in the end but must remember to put the phone by the edge in future so that we can 'phone a friend', or else we might still be in there now like two prunes.

  • My husband said a few weeks ago that we've laughed more since his op than we have for a long time. He's only cried once in front of me since his diagnosis. In fact in the 53 years we've been together I've only seen him cry about half a dozen times. 3 of those times were when we had to say goodbye to our cats. He's a real softy with animals and prefers them to some people.

    What we would do to get in a pool in Greece and Ibam well jealous of you with your greek god. We love the Greek Islands and have had some lovely holidays there. Before covid we travelled a bit further but now I would be happy with a day out at the coast in the UK.

    The last time my husband gave me a bum lift was mortifying. We were walking across a field with our walking group and 3 of our grandchildren, when my husband said 'you might want to speed up a bit'. I said I'm in no rush, then I turned round and saw a heard of cows following us. To get out of the field we had to climb over a stile. All our friends who are older than us, my husband and the kids got over but I couldn't get my left leg over. My husband and one of our friends came back and pushed me by my butt.

    Not being able to get my leg over was good practice for what isn't happening nowRofl

  • What a nightmare (literally).  If the car is only 2 years old your Main Dealer ought to investigate, if not the manufacturer.  If our car had the same problem we'd have had to camp out in it all night - my husband loves his car more than me!! Rofl

  • I emailed them after the RAC man left and told them we want it looking at and we can't wait because we need it for his hospital appointments. The receptionist at the dealer's already knows about his cancer because they serviced the car the week before his surgery.

    If they don't call us back on Monday we'll be on it. 

    He had me emptying the glove compartment last night. It only had a torch and wheel locking nuts in it and he wanted the boot emptying until I pointed out that all but the drivers door were locked and I wasn't climbing through to get a few carrier bags that no one could see.

    Boys and their toysRofl