Blood in stools

  • 5 replies
  • 110 subscribers

Hi everyone it's been a while since I last posted anything. Had all my treatment which finished beginning of this year 20 radiotherapy and some hormone treatment. My PSA level is now 0.15 after my last blood test in June. I recently started seeing blood in my stools. Anyone experience the same a bit worried. 

  • Hi, I can't say I've had any experience with this but would advise seeing your GP to rule out bowel cancer or even haemorrhoids.



  • Hello Petsin, 

                         Some time after my 6 weeks of R. T. I noticed bleeding. It turned out to be Proctitis. I was referred to Gastrology after informing my Oncologist. It took 8 months to see him and start treatment which was Purastat which is 4 treatments 4 weeks apart vis a Sigmoidoscopy. Following the final treatment the bleeding subsided. A stool sample done confirmed same. It may be Proctitis or could be something higher up. The bleeding I had was bright red which was indication of from the large bowel. I would see your G. P. but also inform your Oncologist. I did that through the Cancer co-ordinator nurse. Hope you get sorted.

    Best wishes, Graham. 

    • Thanks for your reply I have already seen my GP and left samples to be tested. Thanks again. 
    • Petsin 
  • Hi thank you for your reply I am waiting on results had samples left with my GP for testing. Thank you again. Petsin 

  • This is not uncommon and can usually be put down to piles or nodules which will bleed now and again or proctitis.  if the blood is bright red it usually means it is just "normal" bleeding from something like this.  As you have left stool samples with your GP the results of tests should be able to put your mind at rest and you will likely be sent to see a consultant and have an examination to determine any thing further where any nodules may be removed if necessary and also tested.  I had this about 6 months after I finished my treatment nearly 7 years ago.