Prostate cancer

  • 8 replies
  • 111 subscribers

Hi there

I've just joined this forum as I'm trying to find some answers. Maybe you can help?

I was diagnosed with aggressive PC in March 2023 and had the radical prostatectomy in June last year. Made a good recovery but had a positive PSA reading after a few months. It climbed for a while to 0.23, then stabilised for 2 months and for 4 months has been dropping and is now 0.19 which is great news.

I put myself on a no or low sugar diet (so no cakes, biscuits, beer and 1 glass of dry red wine per week) and building my imune system through bacteria culture pills, sourkrout and kimchi, a generally healthy diet and lots of exercise.

I also read the How to Starve Cancer book by Jane McClelland which is certainly worth doing if you haven't. If the cancer were worse I'd be following her methods and using the Care Oncology Clinic in Harley Street.

That's kind of my journey in a nutshell.

What I'm not sure about is whether the PSA dropping like it is is commonplace and what foods should I really be eating? My understanding is that if you have Prostate Cancer you should avoid sugar, protein and fats. 

Any suggestions from your experience would be welcome.

God bless you. 

  • Correction - I was diagnosed in March 2022. 

  • Hi Graybags 

    I was diagnosed in 2013, treated in 2017 and have tried to keep on a really decent diet ever since, not always easy.

    I try and cut out all sugar in particular cakes, biscuits, chocolates, sugar coated cereals, etc.  cut right down on dairy , I do have  a little.

    Hardly any red meat , plenty of fish, minimal alcohol. exercise, haven't  got a clue if it helps but would hope so, Psa levels seem OK but I am due another.

    I would.t worry too much about your Psa level, as long as it doesn't maintain an upward trend everything ok

    good luck


  • Hi Graybags. I had my Op in September last year. I had agressive PC with a Gleason 9 out of 15 cores. Consultant said op went well and he was pretty confident they had got it all and my margins came back zero. At 4 weeks I had a PSA of 0.2 but the Consultant said it was too early for that to be meaningfull and he anticipated it would have dropped to undetectable at the time of my 6 week consultation. At 4.5 months and 7.5 months it was still detectable but had decreased and remained at 0.1. He advised they will not do anything other than monitor unless psa increases to 0.4 as their scanners are not accurate until that level is reached. Since been diagnosed in July last year I have really been trying to maintain a more healthy diet. I have basically cut out sugar, alcohol, fizzy drinks, cakes, puds, sweets, caffeine etc and cut down on carbs, protein, fats and rubbish food as much as possible (doesn't leave much). I have also increased excercise fom zero to frequent walking. I went from 103 kg to 90 kg between July and September at the time of my Op. After Op, by December I dropped to 84 kg. I do indulge very occationally in the normal way. I've had two holidays in the past couple of months though and obviously well over indulged and I am now back up to 90 kg (It doesn't seem to take much). But I plan to cut back again now. Plus side is my sugar levels have decreased and my GP has reduced my Type 2 meds. My blood pressure has also gone down and those meds may also be reduced. The way I view things is that I want to do whatever I can within reason and without causing me too many difficulties and still being able to enjoy life. PC has brought me to my senses in that regard and I wish that had happened donkeys years ago. Will it do me any good?? Well for a starter it has made me feel considerably better in myself, so that is a real plus.

  • Hi Static

    That's fantastic reading and I am dead chuffed for you - There are plenty of advantages to exercise, healthy eating and drinking.

    I am doing the exercise, trying to cut back on the eating and drinking but you are a shining example of where I should be!Disappointed.

    Well done - I am on my way to joining you - but it's taking it's time!!

    Best wishes and thanks for posting - it's the encouragement I need!!!!!

    Brian Thumbsup

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  • Hi Steve

    Has your PSA dropped since you adopted this very sensible diet?  Mine has and its now on a downward trend - Im wondering if i can attribute it to the diet? 


  • Hi Static

    We are taking very much the same approach and it feels very positive.  I've lost a whole stone in weight so now eating more but sticking to the diet to compensate as I don't want to lose more.  My PSA reading is on a down trend, down form 0.23 to 0.19 in 6 months, so very happy with that.  Are you find the same?

  • I think impossible to say if down to diet but can only help,. am due another PSA so lets see. must admit I have put it off this time