Diarrhoea and radiotherapy

  • 19 replies
  • 114 subscribers

Hi all I’ve had 13 sessions of radiotherapy and everything was going well until this weekend, I’ve had really bad diarrhoea and I’m going to toilet every 15mins, I’m drinking plenty of water and I’ve just had a cup of green tea, that has helped a bit, just thought I’d share this to see if anyone else has had this problem 

  • Hi

    I had something similar, the cause was ignoring the dietary advice I was given. The diet sheet advised low fibre everything - no wholemeal bread, pasta, rice etc. No caffeine or alcohol and no green veggies. In short, exactly the diet we keep being told NOT to follow!

    Boxing Day 2019, I spent the day on the loo, after having 2 glasses of wine and sprouts with my Christmas lunch. Good job the hospital had the day off, as there was no way I could have got in for my RT. Once I went back to following the diet I had no further problems.

    Obviously, this may not be the reason you had a problem, but worth checking if your hospital have a diet sheet ( some don't by all accounts) and following it religiously. Have a chat with the RT team, too, as I'm sure they will suggest something.



    Trying to get fit again!
  • We don’t have a diet shy, in fact they want us to eat and drink as normal, I also had a glass of wine on Saturday, 

  • Hi

    Fair enough - eating normally certainly did for me!

    Hope you manage to resolve the problem.



    Trying to get fit again!
  • Should have added that I can still see the look of horror on their faces when I told the RT team what I had for my Christmas Dinner!

    Trying to get fit again!
  • I’ve been going to the gym over the past 6 weeks, until now I feel so tired, 

  • Hi

    I think quite normal,  either diarrhoea or constipation, I had the latter.

    They should be able to give u meds but the issue should clear a couple of weeks after treatment finishes.


  • Hello Steve

    • I'm new on here. Finished treatment for stage 3 PC in June last year and have been struggling with both diarrhoea and constipation ever since, no matter what I eat. Had various meds from gp but only seem to help for a while. Never in my life have I talked so much about poo!!! Rofl
  • Oh, thought you had just finished treatment, u certainly shouldn't be having issues a year later.

    Are u still on HT

  • I don't need HT as I haven't produced testosterone for over 6 years due to hypopituitarism caused by a benign tumour which crushed my pituitary gland. Just an added complication! It means I can't produce testosterone, thyroxine and cortisol so I have to have them artificially.  The testosterone replacement was stopped as soon as I got my PC diagnosis in June 2021.  It's an added layer of difficulty having hypopituitarism AND PC3, a bit like BOGOF but not in a good way! Rofl

  • Think u need to see your GP or specialist for some help