Keeping fit post op exercise

  • 5 replies
  • 110 subscribers

Ok it's now 7 day's since my operation.

Just wanted your thoughts on keeping fit.

I'm busting to get out on my Ducati. But well need to keep my core strength and arm's fit.

The team Said don't lift more than a cup first few days ( woops).

But well if you don't keep the heat on. The kettle won't boil.

  • You’ve had major surgery despite the fact you feel ready to go. Your abdomen has suffered a major insult. I probably started walking too far too quickly. It’s only recently I’ve realised that you should give it time after reading expert views on post op recovery. I wouldn’t be thinking about getting on your Ducati for a good few weeks yet. See what others say but the specialist nurses here and on prostate cancer UK would be able to advise you more. Hope your recovery goes well! 


  • Well this is an interesting post for me . I have been away for a week, three weeks north of radiation therapy not prostatectomy, but, I thought that I had come out of the tunnel and so looked forward to some serious hikes! Boom! How wrong was ? Exhaustion at a level that I have previously not experienced? Conclusion? Do not underestimate the impact of these treatments, the bodies subsequent attempt to recalibrate and age!


  • Absolutely I felt quite fatigued for about a month to 6 weeks post RT.  However I finished my RT at end of Jan and early April did a sponsored cycle ride and did really well so you will get there but do please take your time and work up slowly to any exercise.

  • I couldn’t swing a golf club for about eight weeks, and even then I was still in some discomfort. That discomfort lasted for about three months. The thought of riding a powerful motorcycle so soon after major surgery is not one I’d even entertain just yet. Even if you feel up to it, there’s a whole lot of healing going on which you cannot see or feel. Be guided by the experts.