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So, first post radiotherapy consultation today. PSA now 0.06. To review poor tolerance of hormone therapy in 3 months and to decide whether to stop a bit earlier.  Just wondered how low PSA should go?

and..quite off topic, after 48 hours in bed with covid I think I might live!!

  • Hi WW

    How strange, just had my PSA done - first post RT and it's almost snap at 0.576! It was a GP request as suddenly after 18 months they have taken an interest in me.

    I was told when I asked at my pre RT session that the aim was for a PSA of less than 1 and the optimum being less than 0.5!! So me and your other half have just missed the optimum. Levels above 1/2 18 months after treatment could indicate a return of the cancer. I was told you reach your nadir (lowest lever) after 18 months post treatment and then the PSA should not increase by more than 2 whole points. this would also indicate you need an investigation into the increase.

    I hope this helps

    Glad you have survived the Covid - a nice Port and lemon would do no harm now.

    Best wishes


    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hi Brian, thanks for the info. His PSA is 0.06 , not 0.6 and so I feel well relieved. If you reach the nadir at 18 mts post RT you are on course to get there - just a whisker away!  

    re covid - if this is how you are with all vaccinations then I can’t imagine how bad it would be without!  Of course, being a mere ‘spring chicken’ I didn’t qualify for the spring booster. Reassuringly, my husband did and due to the PC is now eligible for antivirals. So far he is ok. Never thought we would end up in separate beds and talking to each other in a socially distanced manner!

  • Oh - Er - sorry, WW. Wow, that's magic 0,06 not 0,6!! I will stick to my day job as an accountant altering 3's to 8's and 7's to 9's making things balance!!

    Well done for keeping the Covid to yourself!!Thumbsup

    That's a cracking result - much better than mine - but at least mine's below 1. I did check with oncology and as mine's a GP test and my oncology appointment is 18 August 2023 they want another PSA test early August so it might creep lower Relaxed.

    Hormone injection next Tuesday and then 2 more to go so 18 more months at least on the manopause - but to be honest I am fine with it. The boobs have finished growing, the body hairs gone apart from on my head and the itchy skin and hot flushes are under control. ED - well I can cope with it - Lorraine still loves me - and as I feel amazing, life's good!!  Sorry your other half isn't coping too well with the HT.

    Now when's the sale starting at NEXT??SunglassesSunglassesSunglasses.

    Best Wishes As Always


    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • That is good news!  Fabulous.  Let's hope it stays like that.

  • Hi Brian, you’re doing really well and your positive stance is much respected and valued!  Of course Lorraine loves you!  I love my husband and, if anything, I think PC brought us together in a joint battle to get him the timely care and treatment he needed.

    Sadly, covid has pushed us apart as I’m trying very hard not to pass on the plague to him. We’re even sleeping in separate rooms at the mo!  I’m so frightened of him getting it!  

    he’s not coping at all well with the fatigue and the brain fog created by the HT. I realised while we were away just how tired he’s getting and how much I am having to ‘watch out’ for him. That said, we had a wonderful holiday and really enjoyed ourselves, nevertheless! Looking for the next one now……

  • Hi worried wife , surely if you live with someone who is vulnerable you are entitled to the vaccine too ?  Before my husband got diagnosed we lived with my 95 year old mil and we were both advised we qualified for the vaccine when she got hers to keep her safe .  Ironically she had no reaction but the vaccine makes my husband so ill for 2 days , so much so he has to stay in bed. 
    best wishes 

  • Hi Bash, I didn’t know this!  Kicking myself now as I should have queried this. But, the vaccine doesn’t prevent infection, it prevent severe symptoms I think? Thanks for this - I will look into it once I’ve ‘got going’ again!

  • Morning WW & Bash

    Two quick ones:

    * Since HT RT yes I have had the old tiredness/fatigue (no brain fog - well I don't think so Lorraine has other ideas!!) however from being a sedentary person I have upped my game and now try and do the old 10000 steps a day - I think it's working - I am not tired or fatigued now - I just eat more!!

    * I got the e-mail from the NHS about being a vulnerable person for covid. I have just read through it again and it says "you" alt the way - it never mentions partners or elderly relatives - typical. I agree you should be able to get treatment if you live with someone vulnerable.

    Kind Regards - Brian

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Yes definitely worth asking . Hope you feel better soon x

  • Probably best to ask directly, definitely our drs surgery’s policy . X