King Charles 111

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  • 112 subscribers

Just want to say I watched the Coronation, did any one else? 

  • Hello John.

    Yes, I watched it, makes me proud to be British.

    How are you doing post RT/HT? I have recently finished RT with good news on prognosis. Still have to continue with HT for 2 years total. I get side effects of hot flushes and night sweats. 

    You can read my profile by clicking on the picture of my cat.

    Wishing you well on your journey


  • I tried not to watch it.  Saw a little,  not that impressed. 

    The main reason was a certain consort.  The press made it all about her, not the 'King's Coronation.'

    Steve (SteveCam)

  • That's true, but the parade of our armed forces was fantastic.

  • Finished RT in December 21 and had my last HT injection March 23. PSA before RT had dropped to 0.05 and after was down to 0.01, Last blood test shows it’s still at 0.01 and cancer is undetectable so the consultant informed me, very good news and very pleaded with the results. 
    still suffer with hot flushes but they are quite mild and informed by my CSN that it could be up to 18 months before the injection is out of my system. Post RT I was very fatigued for while and still get tired even now during the day. I am still having very loose bowel movements and sometimes urgency to go, I have a telephone appointment with a member of the MDT on 24 May and will bring that up with them, apart from that and all the usual side effect of HT I’m doing OK

    John 1963

  • That's very good news, hopefully things will settle down as time goes on.

    I finished RT on 22/3/23 and had PSA of 0.28 on 27/4/23. My CSN said that she's happy with the result and thinks that the treatment I have had has resulted in a cure. I realise that as I'm still on HT for another 18 months that my PSA should be kept low but as you say, it could take up to 18 months after to get HT out of the system, so I keep optimistic and hope for the best.

    As a sufferer of Long Covid for 3 years now, I get very fatigued. Sometimes I don't know if it's the cancer treatment or the covid that's causing it, but I try to keep active when I can. I take Tamsulosin for urine problems.

    Please keep me posted with your journey, your stats and age are very similar to mine.

    Take care


  • I’m still taking Tamsulosin since August 21, that’s a question I need to ask a member of the MDT at the next telephone appointments and whether I need to be still taking it.

    John 1963

  • John 1963,

    My RT finished in November 2021.  My last PSA was 0.25 in February this year.  It took 13 months for the Hormones to get out of my system since my last injection.  The hot flushes faded away (with the help of Acupuncture).  My libido is still nil, still got E.D....but being in Remission makes up for it.

    I am still up on average twice a night for the loo.  Still struggling with fatigue, it is getting better though, bit by bit.

    Steve (SteveCam)

  • After finishing RT I've had recurring urine tract infections. GP said it could be due to the RT. 

    Anyone else have this problem?

  • Hello  

    This is my first ever post. In February my husband (64) was diagnosed with prostate cancer, described as an aggressive tiger, not a "pussycat". It's stage 4 locally advanced cancer. My husband is having hormone treatments. He needs to decide whether to have surgery or radiotherapy. His Oncologist phoned and  said radiotherapy could give him up to five years, but we've no idea about data for other options. After complaining about hearing problems there will be face to face meetings later this month so my husband can make an informed decision.

    Yes, I watched the coronation too. I'm glad I did, it was fascinating and quite moving. As  says, it made me proud of my country. I know there are issues having a monarchy but when I see presidential systems, I prefer our way. I found the music that had been commissioned for the coronation was beautiful. I also loved the Royal School of Needlework's panels to protect the king for annointment quite spectacular.

    I'm ex RAF and absolutely love seeing pageantry, military bands and precision marching. I also enjoyed the coronation concert especially Lucy the pianist who is blind and Nicole Scherzinger, I had no idea that she has such an amazing singing voice.

    I know many people seem to dislike Camilla but I don't have a problem accepting her as queen. King Charles seems happy and far more relaxed since they've been married. She's happy to stand aside so her husband can be centre stage, which is honourable thing for a consort to do. Although a Queen, that rank is junior to that of king, so I don't have an issue with her being referred to as queen.
