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  • 112 subscribers

Hi guys

Today we had a meeting with Oncologist. Hubby has stage 4 prostate cancer with bone mets which we were told today had increased 

Hubby had Bicaltumide added about 3 weeks ago but today Consultant said his PSA had risen to 7 , which was higher than when he was first diagnosed  Oncologist now suggests Enzalutamide instead of the cheaper Bicaltumide 

He will be also be given Zoledronic   acid to strengthen bones

If these fail he will then be referred for Doxetaxel chemo

Has anyone had this cocktail and if so how was it? 

Big love and positivity to everyoneHeart

  • Hi Mistymoon

    I’m on enzalutamide four tablets daily, I also have prostap 3 hormone injections every three months, I take Alca d3 for my calcium ( bones )

    The tablets will make your husband feel tired and fatigued, sometimes in my case a bit of a fuzzy head. Did or was he offered a hormone replacement for bicaltumide ? Enzalutamide is like Arbiraterone but not as harsh, both work the same.

    Hope this helps.

    Stay safe


  • Hi Joe 

    Thanks for replying. He’s been on prostate since his stage 4 with bone mets diagnosis in November 2021

    He's had radiotherapy last year and his PSA was 0.09 which was brilliant 

    However, he had a bone scan which showed his bone mets have increased and they wanted him to have chemo

    Watching my brother go through it we wanted to see if there was another option. They than suggested Bicaltumide which someone said is much cheaper than enzalutamide but his PSA went up to 7 and consultant said yesterday to change him over to the Enzalutamide to see how he went for 6 weeks, and also put him on Zoledronic acid to strengthen his bones. 

    I hope you’re coping too Joe. Thank you for replying 


  • Hi

    Chemo affects everyone differently, when I was diagnosed ( See my profile ) nearly seven years ago, I was blasted with chemo, radiotherapy and hormone injections. Admitting it knocked the stuffing out of me, but while I was in good health and fairly strong I got through it.

    Still anything to keep this disease at bay is good for me and your husband to I hope.

    Stay safe


  • Yes and good luck with the Enzalutamide. It can be a wonder drug for a year or more but in my case it only worked for 7 months. Either way it has the potential to regress the bone mets. 

  • Sussex 20

    Thank you for your kind reply. Hubby in a lot of pain some days but not every day. I don’t know who to ask for help on these days as nothing touches his pain.

    Hopefully , the enzalutamide may help

    Warm regards 

  • Yes you may find that Enzalutamide gives your husband a good pain free year as it regresses the cancer. Best of luck.